Off-Topic: Sunday night beer @ Zeitgeist, NANOG31

If anyone's interested in hanging out Sunday night at a cool place that's _not_ in Union Square, a few of us are meeting at Zeitgeist, which is at 199 Valencia (at Duboce) in the Mission. It's about two blocks off Market Street, you can take the F Market streetcar (not a cable car, mind you!) to get there... I'll be there starting around 6pm Sunday evening. There's also some non-nanog NetBSD types showing up. There's lots of good restaurants in the area (see Woody's guide for details on some - Ti Couz is a couple blocks away, but Valencia is home to _tons_ of restaurants) and beer should be a little less expensive than in any given Union Square bar. :-) -- Jeff Rizzo

If anyone's interested in hanging out Sunday night at a cool place that's _not_ in Union Square, a few of us are meeting at Zeitgeist, which is at 199 Valencia (at Duboce) in the Mission. It's about two blocks off Market Street, you can take the F Market streetcar (not a cable car, mind you!) to get there...
Um. State, City, Zip Code? :) Rob Nelson
participants (2)
Jeff Rizzo
Rob Nelson