I've posted a new version of "aggis" on merit.edu:pub/nsfnet/cidr/aggis (and a man page in aggis.l). Aggis is a small perl program for expanding CIDR aggregate notation into classful IP net ranges, and for helping to IP net ranges into aggregates. This version 2.1 handles all of the cases that the old version (released last February) would. In addition, it: - Handles full "x.x.x.x - y.y.y.y" notation - Expands subaggregates into host IP ranges, rather than only saying that they are subaggregates - Has "-q" flag for "produce full 4-byte dotted quad output", and "-r" for "always produce expansions in host address ranges" (instead of classful net ranges). If you would like to try the program without installing it locally, it can be run through the prdb.merit.edu whois server:
$ whois -h prdb.merit.edu 'aggis 141.208.32/21'
141.208.32/21 is a subnet representing 1/32 of Class B network 141.208
Address Range -
$ whois -h prdb.merit.edu 'aggis 141.208 - 141.216'
The range of nets from 141.208 to 141.216/16 can be represented by:
141.208/13 ( 8 nets: 141.208 - 141.215 ) 141.216/16 ( 1 net: 141.216 )
--Dale Johnson Merit
participants (1)
Dale S. Johnson