Call for Nominations to the NANOG Programme Committee

The NANOG PC is a group of sixteen individuals from the NANOG community who together are responsible for the solicitation and selection of material for NANOG meeting programmes. A new NANOG Programme Committee will be selected by the NANOG Steering Committee after the SC election in October. Eight positions are to be filled, and the SC is now seeking nominations. Per the NANOG charter (6.2.1), eligible candidates are individuals who have attended at least one NANOG meeting in the past 12 months (i.e. one or more of NANOG 39, NANOG 40 or NANOG 41). Broad technical knowledge of Internet operations and familiarity with NANOG meetings are useful attributes. Having constructive opinions and ideas about how NANOG meetings might be improved is of high value. If you are interested in nominating someone else or yourself, please send a brief note to The note should include the nominee's contact details, and a brief description of why (in your opinion) the individual concerned would be a good addition to the PC. The SC will accept nominations received before the end of NANOG 41 on October 16. Joe (for the NANOG SC)
participants (1)
Joe Abley