jof@thejof.com : belongs to the US Army look at AS 666. At least they know their position in the universe. --------------------------------------------------- andrey.gordon@gmail.com : IMHO that's where we are heading with google taking over every service imaginable Only if you let them. DBS (don't be sheep) --------------------------------------------------- At the most basic minimum manage your cookies. Just a quick search (not with google) gives: google.com/support/urchin45/bin/answer.py?answer=28710 (you'll see a LOT of _utm<x> type cookies as soon as you start watching them) There are many other companies out there that know more about you than you think possible. Small example: Do you allow third party cookies unfettered access to what you do? scott

: IMHO that's where we are heading with google taking over every service imaginable
Well nobody is forcing to use their services ... For search you can use bing when is not down, for email you can use outlook when the windoze bootnet is not being used to distribute viruses or malware, or hotmail if you want plenty of nice ads directed to fulfill your needs and preferences, for video you can still use YouTube, uuuppppsss you right evil Google owns them now, for maps you can use mapquest if you want to get to a place a mile away where you intended to go, ohhh but they are owned by one of the failed-ex-evils, want to take a quick peak at a book, you can still go to your local library, what else, ohhh yes wanna blog ? use wordpress and wait for the poetry to become hacked. Yes, all eggs in the same basket for some stuff is not a good approach, but what's wrong about using services that are relatively nice, regularly available and being constantly improved, and free ? Well, right nothing is free, you are part of their monetization and world domination scheme ... bad boy Eric, bad boy ...
Only if you let them. DBS (don't be sheep)
That's 100% right, if you want privacy just don't make yourself public. I'm more concerned about information that by law is being made public and available on-line (like property records in the US) out of my control, or not very easy to "opt-out". Cheers Jorge

On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Jorge Amodio <jmamodio@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm more concerned about information that by law is being made public and available on-line (like property records in the US) out of my control, or not very easy to "opt-out".
Property records have always been public information in the US, and no one can "opt out" (well, I suppose you could sell your house). Having information like this available to the public is important because the government uses those records to make decisions like property tax rates. If you were allowed to opt out it would be difficult or impossible for the public to monitor these government actions. For example, if you thought that you were being charged more property tax than you thought you should you could examine the property records for properties that were comparable to yours and see what they were being charged. If all of your neighbors had opted out you wouldn't be able to do that (at least not with out going to court). Similarly, if you were looking at buying a house you could check the property records to see if any liens had been made against the property or if you could afford to pay the property taxes. -- Jeff Ollie
participants (3)
Jeffrey Ollie
Jorge Amodio
Scott Weeks