Just FYI, one of our customers is currently under attack by a AGIS customer I84.NET, using compuserver to generate bounced email to Infocom.net. Since we are a MX backup site for them is is also causing us problems. I have had to block Compuserve's access to our systems because they have no one on duty in there Network operations center. None of compuserve's phone numbers in their ASN contact domain contact or IP block contacts provide access to a 24hour operations center. In message <199705020131.BAA01102@tpoint.net>, Gene Crick writes:
as list members now know, Turning Point Information Systems (a charter member of TISPA), was/is the target of hundreds of thousands of CyberPromo spam messages, many illegally remailed using forged headers, etc. This massive assault has caused heavy pressures and numerous problems for them.
Spam problems like these are unlikely to go away soon, or cure themselves.
So Jim Koen, president of Turning Point, has agreed to coordinate efforts to collect information and provide a forum for any ISPs interested in protecting their companies and customers from unsolicited advertising email. Results will probably be maintained as a TISPA reference webpage.
Right now Jim is up to his routers in CyberPromotions' junk mail, but as soon as he has a little more free time, TISPA asks anyone interested in the topic to let Jim know and help him develop this shared information project for TISPA members. His address is jkoen@tpoint.net
Thanks, Jim. I think this could make a real difference in protecting ISPs from the greedy, malicious tactics of Cyberpromotions.
- gc -
--- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. jerry@fc.net PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 1-800-968-8750 | 512-458-9810 http://www.fc.net
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System Administrator