Call For Papers: EuroMPI 2013 Madrid, Spain

Dear Sir or Madam, (We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message) ============================================================ Recent Advances in Message Passing Interface. 20th European MPI Users' Group Meeting (EuroMPI 2013) EuroMPI 2013 is being held in cooperation with SIGHPC Madrid, Spain, September 15-18, 2013 BACKGROUND AND TOPICS ------------------------------- EuroMPI is the preeminent meeting for users, developers and researchers to interact and discuss new developments and applications of message-passing parallel computing, in particular in and related to the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The annual meeting has a long, rich tradition, and the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meeting will again be a lively forum for discussion of everything related to usage and implementation of MPI and other parallel programming interfaces. Traditionally, the meeting has focused on the efficient implementation of aspects of MPI, typically on high-performance computing platforms, benchmarking and tools for MPI, short-comings and extensions of MPI, parallel I/O and fault tolerance, as well as parallel applications using MPI. The meeting is open towards other topics, in particular application experience and alternative interfaces for high-performance heterogeneous, hybrid, distributed memory systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - MPI implementation issues and improvements - Extensions to and shortcomings of MPI - Tools and environments for MPI - Hybrid and heterogeneous programming with MPI and other interfaces - Relation of MPI to alternative interfaces for hybrid/heterogeneous distributed memory systems - Interaction between message-passing software and hardware, in particular new high performance architectures - Fault tolerance in message-passing implementations and systems - Performance evaluation for MPI and MPI based applications- - Automatic performance tuning of MPI applications and implementations - Verification of message passing applications and protocols - Applications using message-passing, in particular in Computational Science and Scientific Computing - Non-standard message-passing applications - Parallel algorithms in the message-passing paradigm - Algorithms using the message-passing paradigm The meeting will feature contributed talks on the selected, peer-reviewed papers, invited expert talks covering upcoming and future issues, a vendor session where selected vendors will present their new developments in hybrid and heterogeneous cluster and high-performance architectures, a poster session, and a tutorial day. The scientific part of the conference is organized in cooperation with ACM SIGHPC. Conference proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library, which includes short and long papers, workshop papers, and posters. Selected high quality papers will be published in an international journals. There will also be a reward for the overall best paper from the academic conference. WORKSHOPS ------------------------------- IMUDI SPECIAL SESSION ON IMPROVING MPI USER AND DEVELOPER INTERACTION The IMUDI special session, to be held as a full-day meeting at the EuroMPI 2013 conference in Madrid, Spain, focuses on bringing together the MPI end-user and MPI implementor communities through discussions on MPI usage experiences, techniques, and optimizations. This meeting will focus on evaluating the MPI standard from the perspective of the MPI end-user (application and library developers) and address concerns and insights of MPI implementors and vendors. Unlike workshops associated with other conferences, the IMUDI session is still considered to be a part of the Euro MPI conference. Submissions will be reviewed separately to facilitate bringing together research publications falling into these "special focus" areas. More info at: ENERGY-EFFICIENT HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING & COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP (E2HPC2) 2013 The first Energy-Efficient High Performance Computing & Communication workshop will be co-located with EuroMPI 2013 in Madrid. Energy-awareness is now a main topic for HPC systems. The goal of this workshop is to discuss latest researches on the impact and possibles leverages of communications for such systems. E2HPC2 solicits original and non-published or under-review articles on the field of energy-aware communication in HPC environment. This workshop is co-located with EuroMPI as MPI is the main communication interface in those environments. More info at: PBIO 2013: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON PARALLELISM IN BIOINFORMATICS In Bioinformatics, we can find a variety of problems which are affected by huge processing times and memory consumption, due to the large size of biological data sets and the inherent complexity of biological problems. In fact, Bioinformatics is one of the most exciting research areas in which Parallelism finds application. Successful examples are mpiBLAST or ClustalW-MPI, among many others. In conclusion, Bioinformatics allows and encourages the application of many different parallelism-based technologies. The focus of this workshop is on MPI-based approaches, but we welcome any technique based on: multicore and cluster computing, supercomputing, grid computing, cloud computing, hardware accelerators as GPUs, FPGAs, or Cell processors, etc. More info at: SUBMISSION INFORMATION ------------------------------- Contributors are invited to submit a full paper as a PDF document not exceeding 6 pages in English. The title page should contain an abstract of at most 100 words and five specific, topical keywords. The paper must be formatted according to double-column ACM ICPS proceedings style. The usage of LaTeX for preparation of the contribution as well as the submission in camera ready format is strongly recommended. Style files can be found at New work that is not yet mature for a full paper, short observations, and similar brief announcements are invited for the poster session. Contributions to the poster session should be submitted in the form of a two page abstract. All contributions will be fully peer reviewed by the program committee. Papers shall be submitted electronically via Easychair, see AWARDS ------------------------------- There will be awards for the best paper and best student paper. These awards will be chosen by the program committee. The best paper award will be given to the paper judged to have the highest overall quality. SCHEDULE, IMPORTANT DATES ------------------------------- - Submission of full papers and poster: March 29th, 2013 - Author notification: May 11th, 2013 - Camera Ready papers due: June 15th, 2013 - Tutorial(s): September 15th, 2012 - Conference: September 16th-18th, 2013 COMMITTEE ------------------------------- GENERAL CHAIR Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA ORGANIZERS, PC CHAIRS Javier Garcia Blas, Carlos III University ( Jesus Carretero, Carlos III University ( PROGRAM COMMITTEE Pavan Balaji, Argonne National Laboratory Siegfried Benkner, University of Vienna George Bosilca, Innovative Computing Laboratory - University of Tennessee Gil Bloch, Mellanox Technologies Ron Brightwell, Sandia National Laboratories Darius Buntinas, Argonne National Laboratory Franck Cappello, INRIA and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Yiannis Cotronis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Chi-Yin Chow, Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong Anthony Danalis, University of Tennessee Luiz Derose, Cray Christian Engelmann, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Edgar Gabriel, University of Houston Brice Goglin, INRIA Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah David Goodell, Argonne National Laboratory Richard Graham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory William Gropp, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Rainer Keller, HFT Stuttgart, University of Applied Science Julian Kunkel, Universitat Hamburg Thomas Herault, University of Tennessee Bronis De Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Thomas Ludwig, German Climate Computing Center and University of Hamburg David E. Singh, University Carlos III of Madrid Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zurich Atsushi Hori, RIKEN AICS Florin Isaila, University Carlos III of Madrid Akihiro Inokuchi, Osaka University Yutaka Ishikawa, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo Emmanuel Jeannot, INRIA Dries Kimpe, Argonne National Laboratory Jesper Larsson Traf, Vienna University of Technology Alexey Lastovetsky, UCD School of Computer Science & Informatics Laurent Lefevre, INRIA Dong Li, Oak Rdige National Lab Ewing Lusk, Argonne National Laboratory Teng Ma, NetApp Inc Guillaume Mercier, ENSEIRB/INRIA Bernd Mohr, Juelich Supercomputing Center Raffaele Montella, Department of Applied Science - University of Naples Parthenope Julian David Morillo Pozo, Barcelona Supercomputing Center Matthias Mueller, ZIH, TU Dresden Jose Nelson Amaral, University of Alberta Jaechun No, Sejong University Maria S. Perez, Technical University of Madrid Rolf Rabenseifner, HLRS, University of Stuttgart Rolf Riesen, IBM Gudula Runge, Chemnitz University of Technology Mitsuhisa Sato, University of Tsukuba Christian Siebert, RWTH Aachen University Anna Sikora, DACSO - UAB Shinji Sumimoto, Fujitsu Laboratories Frederic Suter, IN2P3 Computing Center Jeff Squyres, Cisco Alexander Supalov, Intel GmbH Domenico Talia, Universita della Calabria Vinod Tipparaju, AMD Rajeev Thakur, Argonne National Laboratory Carsten Trinitis, University of Bedfordshire Yuichi Tsujita, Kinki University Denis Trystram, Grenoble university Keith Underwood, Intel Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center Alan Wagner, University of British Columbia Roland Wismulle, University of Siegen Roman Wyrzykowski, Czestochowa University of Technology Xin Yuan, Florida State University CONFERENCE FEES ------------------------------- The conference will hopefully be well supported by sponsors, which will help directly towards keeping the fees low. As far as possible, special student fees will be offered.
participants (1)
Javier Garcia Blas