Call for Presentations :: DNS-OARC Fall Workshop 2014

NANOG, apologies if you have already seen this in a different list. DNS-OARC Fall Workshop 2014 Los Angeles, California, USA Schedule OARC meeting October 11-13 Program announcement August 29th (six weeks before the meeting) Submission deadline August 15th Call for Papers July 20th Meeting announcement July 20th Official announcement proposed text, feel free to edit Call for Presentations Next OARC Fall Workshop will take place in Los Angeles, California, USA on October 11th to the 13th, the weekend before ICANN51. On Monday October 13th there will be a joint session with ICANN Tech Day. OARC is requesting proposals for presentations, with a preference for DNS data analysis tools and techniques. This workshop continues OARC's tradition of having meetings include a strong operational component. Presentations from DNS operators are particularly welcome. We'll also gladly accept talks from DNS researchers, as well as any other DNS-related subjects such as tools, visualizations, DNSSEC and novel uses of the DNS. If you are an OARC member, and have a sensitive topic you would like to present for members-only, we will accommodate those talks too. Adopting practice from other conferences, a section of lighting talks will be available for short presentations. Workshop Milestones • 20 July 2014, Call for Presentations posted • 21 July 2014, Open for submissions • 15 August 2014, Deadline for submission • 29 August 2014, Final Program published • 9 October 2014, Final deadline for slideset submission Details for abstract submission will be published here: The workshop will be organized on different tracks, depending on the topics. On Sunday October 12th we will have the more in depth technical presentations, and on Monday October 13th presentations that can benefit from a larger and broader audience. If you consider submitting a presentation, please let the Programme Committee know for which track in advance to help us organize the presentations tracks. You can contact the Programme Committee: via ( if you have questions or concerns. Mehmet Akcin, for the OARC Program Committee (Please note that OARC is run on a non-profit basis, and is not in a position to reimburse expenses or time for speakers at its meetings.)
participants (1)
Mehmet Akcin