whois databases and null fields

Hey, folks. Maybe a dumb question. How does any registrant with null fields for their contact data manage to modify their registry records, outside of sending a letter on their company letterhead? For that matter, how do they get bills from the aforementioned registry? :) -- Registrant: Apple Computer, Inc. (APPLE-DOM) 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino, CA 95014 Domain Name: APPLE.COM Administrative Contact: [No name] (NA4189-ORG) [No mailbox] [No address] [No phone] Technical Contact, Zone Contact: [No name] (KE557) [No mailbox] [No address] [No phone] Billing Contact: [No name] (BC478-ORG) [No mailbox] [No address] [No phone] Record last updated on 11-Jul-2000. Record expires on 20-Feb-2001. Record created on 19-Feb-1987. Database last updated on 26-Jul-2000 20:11:40 EDT. Domain servers in listed order: NSERVER.APPLE.COM NSERVER2.APPLE.COM NSERVER.EURO.APPLE.COM NSERVER.ASIA.APPLE.COM -- Timothy Brown tcb@ga.prestige.net

> Administrative Contact: > [No name] (NA4189-ORG) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone] > Technical Contact, Zone Contact: > [No name] (KE557) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone] > Billing Contact: > [No name] (BC478-ORG) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone] You're seeing a bug in NSI's whois server which has been manifesting itself in the past couple of weeks. Doesn't affect all records, and in the past, affected records have been corrected after half a day or so. -Bill

I seem to be getting my bills just fine. This part of their database doesn't seem to be affected. I.e. the data under the contact handle is complete. Still, it's a bit disconcerting to see this stuff go away. Cheers, KE557 At 7:20 PM -0700 7/26/2000, Bill Woodcock wrote:
> Administrative Contact: > [No name] (NA4189-ORG) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone] > Technical Contact, Zone Contact: > [No name] (KE557) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone] > Billing Contact: > [No name] (BC478-ORG) [No mailbox] > [No address] > [No phone]
You're seeing a bug in NSI's whois server which has been manifesting itself in the past couple of weeks. Doesn't affect all records, and in the past, affected records have been corrected after half a day or so.
-- Ken Eddings, Hostmaster, IS&T, eddingsk@apple.com, eddingsk@ricochet.net Work:+1 408 974-4286 Pager: +1 408 699-3591, Fax: +1 408 974-1560 Apple Computer, Inc., 1 Infinite Loop, M/S 60-DR Cupertino, CA 95014 The Prudent Mariner never relies solely on any single aid to navigation.

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, Timothy Brown wrote:
Hey, folks. Maybe a dumb question.
How does any registrant with null fields for their contact data manage to modify their registry records, outside of sending a letter on their company letterhead? For that matter, how do they get bills from the aforementioned registry? :)
yup, we noticed this recently. some of the domains that we had registered (with the required fields filled out) are showing up like this. sometimes. old domains whos records we haven't touched in years and newly registered domains. no pattern that i can discern. i just chalked it up to another round of netsol fuckups, and just hope that they fix it someday. i haven't talked to anyone there about it yet, cause i make enough phone calls to their business support line as it is about more pressing issues. (changing forms with no warning, having the wrong address in their 'reply-to', delaying transfers, etc.) i'm just waiting for the day that a Cool Local Company opens their doors for business as a registrar so i can switch all of our domains from that incompetent netsol behemoth to them. its in the works, and that is the only thing that gets me thru these daily troubles with netsol...knowing that it will end someday. deeann m.m. mikula network administrator telerama internet -- http://www.telerama.com abuse@telerama.com/spam@telerama.com
participants (4)
Bill Woodcock
deeann mikula
Ken Eddings
Timothy Brown