The Internet2 network publishes 10-second data for all interfaces on both its backbone network and the individual racklans in each of its cities: Backbone: http://dc-snmp.grnoc.iu.edu/i2net/ Racklans: http://dc-snmp.grnoc.iu.edu/i2net-hp/ Default graphs don't show errors. You need to create a custom graph and click the appropriate checkbox. If you want to view a large number of interfaces with their errors on a single page, you can create a Custom View that includes errors for any number of selected interfaces. -Chris On May 28, 2009, at 12:03 PM, Ric Messier wrote:
Is anyone aware of useful resources for packet loss over large LANs and WANs? Google turned up a nice statistics page for Qwest's network but not much else that seems useful to me.
Our testing teams are trying to simulate expected network conditions and rather than go overboard, having something close to real-world parameters would be nice.
Thanks! Ric
Chris Robb, Internet2 Manager of Operations O: 812.855.8604 C: 812.345.3188 **************** ESCC/Internet2 Joint Techs July 19-23, 2009 - Indianapolis, Indiana http://jointtechs.es.net/indiana2009/
participants (1)
Chris Robb