FW: [MPLS-OPS]: Toolbox for Traffic Engineering freely available

Thought I'd pass this along in case anyone is interested: ------ Forwarded Message
From: Skivee Fabian <Fabian.Skivee@ulg.ac.be> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 16:22:13 +0100 (CET) To: <mpls-ops@mplsrc.com> Subject: [MPLS-OPS]: Toolbox for Traffic Engineering freely available Resent-From: <mpls-ops@mplsrc.com> Resent-Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 10:22:29 -0500
The first release of the open-source TOolbox for Traffic Engineering Methods (TOTEM) is now freely available.
This toolbox integrates a series of tools for intra-domain and inter-domain traffic engineering of IP and MPLS networks. It allows network operators to traffic engineer their network, and also researchers to compare their techniques to methods already in the toolbox.
Release 1.0 includes features like: - IP metric optimisation - MPLS LSP path computation supporting preemption and DiffServ-TE - MPLS backup LSP path computation with bandwidth sharing - BGP decision process simulations - Flexible simulation scenarios such as link/node failures - Interoperable XML format for topology and traffic matrix representation - ...
You can find additional information, binaries, source codes and user guide at: http://totem.run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be
TOTEM project home page: http://totem.info.ucl.ac.be/
Best regards,
The TOTEM team
PS: To be informed about new releases of the toolbox, subscribe to our mailing list at http://mailman.info.ucl.ac.be/mailman/listinfo/totem-announce
-- "Making the impossible possible, the possible easy, the easy elegant ..."
Fabian Skivee Tel : +32 4 366 26 10 Universite de Liege Secr : +32 4 366 26 91 Reseaux Informatiques Fax : +32 4 366 29 89 Research Unit in Networking (RUN) skivee@run.montefiore.ulg.ac.be Institut d'Electricite Montefiore, B 28, B-4000 LIEGE 1, BELGIUM
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Irwin Lazar