2008.02.19 NANOG 42 Lightning talk #5 network costs in the core

2008.02.19 Lightning talk #5 One more round tomorrow, submit your ideas now! Curtis Villamizar, Drew Perkins Total network costs in the core. glimpse at key findings; look at slides later. Made up topology, came up with core nodes, core links onto it; presented to non-IP-aware group at Stanford. 66 cities modeled, 18 core cities, you have small city-to-city traffic flows, you aggregate them into large core-to-core traffic flows. costs with various interfaces. costs for various network interfaces. Router costs for OC768 on large routers; aimed for demands comperable to smaller ISPs on left, and larger ISPs are on the right, and then scaled out to right into future. At low utilization, you have wasted, unused capacity on OC768; for 10gig, similar curve, but much; $700/Mb for OC, $400/Mb for 10g costs for l2/l3 10gigE; smaller capacity, you need to build a CLOS, an array of routers to handle capacity, you get beyond one; but router costs go WAY down, so your transport costs dominate, rather than router costs, and drops you to $250/Mb UUnet did IP router bypass parallel 10gig links between sets of cities; if you put links bypassing routers, you can eliminate interface card costs, save money. Practical limit to IP bypass, based on the traffic matrix needs and failover requirements. at top end, bypass ends up being full mesh, which is also impractical. IP router bypass link cost savings can be very substantial, if you can use them; but the practicality is limited by the number you can effectively make use of. Even with free transport, full mesh is not cost effective. Impact of MPLS TE...lots of interesting directions they're going into. OC768 tops out over OC192, which tops 10gigE
participants (1)
Matthew Petach