[nsf] internet traffic engineer shaping

don't mean to add noise but agree this topic matters to nanog (matters way more than folks have time for it, i know) so, fwiw: the IEC project (http://iec.caida.org, inspired by listening to ispfolks articulate these concerns for last few years) in addition to relevant workshops/materials/ eventual.video.instruction online, just announced an RFP (included below) for its newly NSF-sponsored program to develop hands-on Internet Teaching Labs (ITLs) using routers and other equipment donated from vendors one of criteria in selecting candidate schools is existence of collaboration or mentoring relationships between the faculty/school and an ISP or vendor round 1 due sept 17; round 2 oct 15 vroom k -------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Theresa Ott" <theresa@caida.org> To: <IEC-Faculty@caida.org> Subject: Internet Teaching Lab Solicitation Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:07:48 -0700 Dear Colleague, While the demand for networking engineers is growing rapidly, few networking courses include a hands-on laboratory component, often due to a lack of equipment. The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) is therefore expanding its Internet Engineering Curriculum (IEC) program to work with hardware vendors and Internet providers to better equip Universities to meet the needs of next generation engineers. Universities interested in adding an Internet Teaching Laboratory (ITL) to their networking courses are encouraged to submit proposals in response to the ITL solicitation located at: http://iec.caida.org/itl_solicitation.html ITL Phase I donations include roughly 100 routers, interface cards and software from Cisco Systems. Additional equipment, including CSU/DSUs and terminal servers, may also be available from additional donors. All contributions will be shipped directly to the recipient Universities, with CAIDA assisting the evaluation process, ITL implementation, and subsequent ITL collaborations. Selection of Universities will be by CAIDA's IEC Advisory Board, consisting of representatives from the commercial and academic communities. Any U.S. College or University faculty member that will be teaching networking courses during the academic year may submit proposals for a Phase I ITL facility. Parties planning to submit a proposal are encouraged to send a 1-2 page letter (email) by September 3, 1999 describing plans for an ITL. This letter of Intent will permit CAIDA personnel to notify interested institutions of the availability of any additional equipment that may assist with the planned Lab. Proposals will be reviewed in two rounds, due September 17, 1999 and October 15, 1999. Proposals not selected in the first round may be resubmitted in round 2. If your proposal is selected, the official University paperwork must be done, including a letter of commitment from the University. Proposals and questions concerning the solicitation or equipment should be submitted electronically to itl@caida.org. On behalf of IEC Co-PIs, kc claffy and Evi Nemeth, and myself, we look forward to your involvement in this program. Sincerely, Theresa Ott IEC Project Coordinator CAIDA For further information on the IEC project, see http://iec.caida.org or write to iec@caida.org.

Btw, it's only 70% true - it's possible to get ANY hand labs based on the: PC/486,16RAM,300HD, FreeBSD + 2 Async + 2 Ethernet mrtd (or gated), nat daemon, firewall daemon, ppp daemon equipment. Through it's more difficult to prepare such labs, the only things it's difficult to explore by this way are: VoIP, ATM, VLANs, and different exotic (as IBM, AplleTalk etc etc). And the lack of the simple interpreting language (perl-class) with On Tue, 24 Aug 1999, k claffy wrote:
Aleksei Roudnev, Network Operations Center, Relcom, Moscow (+7 095) 194-19-95 (Network Operations Center Hot Line),(+7 095) 230-41-41, N 13729 (pager) (+7 095) 196-72-12 (Support), (+7 095) 194-33-28 (Fax)
participants (2)
Alex P. Rudnev
k claffy