http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn23309-information-superhighway-approac... Information superhighway approaches light speed 18:00 24 March 2013 by Jacob Aron Nothing moves faster than light in a vacuum, but large volumes of data can now travel at 99.7 per cent of this ultimate speed limit. In glass optical fibres, light travels 31 per cent slower than in a vacuum. Hollowing them out so that most of the light travels through air speeds things up. But these hollow fibres are a poor replacement as light scatters at the glass-air interface, limiting the number of wavelengths, and therefore the volume of data, transmitted at once. Now Francesco Poletti and colleagues at the University of Southampton, UK, have made fibres with an ultra-thin glass rim, enabling a much wider band of wavelengths to travel at high speed at once. The team's record is a 73.7 terabit per second transmission over 310 metres, a 15,000-fold increase over ordinary hollow fibres. "Previous fibres either have higher bandwidth but high loss, or lower loss but narrower bandwidth," says Poletti. "We've achieved both in the same fibre." Journal reference: Nature Photonics, DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2013.45 http://www.nature.com/nphoton/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nphoton.2013.45.htm... Towards high-capacity fibre-optic communications at the speed of light in vacuum F. Poletti, N. V. Wheeler, M. N. Petrovich, N. Baddela, E. Numkam Fokoua, J. R. Hayes, D. R. Gray, Z. Li, R. Slavík & D. J. Richardson Nature Photonics (2013) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.45 Received 13 September 2012 Accepted 08 February 2013 Published online 24 March 2013 Abstract Wide-bandwidth signal transmission with low latency is emerging as a key requirement in a number of applications, including the development of future exaflop-scale supercomputers, financial algorithmic trading and cloud computing1, 2, 3. Optical fibres provide unsurpassed transmission bandwidth, but light propagates 31% slower in a silica glass fibre than in vacuum, thus compromising latency. Air guidance in hollow-core fibres can reduce fibre latency very significantly. However, state-of-the-art technology cannot achieve the combined values of loss, bandwidth and mode-coupling characteristics required for high-capacity data transmission. Here, we report a fundamentally improved hollow-core photonic-bandgap fibre that provides a record combination of low loss (3.5 dB km−1) and wide bandwidth (160 nm), and use it to transmit 37 × 40 Gbit s−1 channels at a 1.54 µs km−1 faster speed than in a conventional fibre. This represents the first experimental demonstration of fibre-based wavelength division multiplexed data transmission at close to (99.7%) the speed of light in vacuum.

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Eugen Leitl <eugen@leitl.org> wrote:
Information superhighway approaches light speed
18:00 24 March 2013 by Jacob Aron Nothing moves faster than light in a vacuum, but large volumes of data can now travel at 99.7 per cent of this ultimate speed limit.
Now I guess we find out exactly how much the various financial firms are willing to pay to shave 0.3 of C off travel time from London to NYC... -- -george william herbert george.herbert@gmail.com

Jacob Aron Nothing is a bro, I can't wait to try this myself. On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 9:36 AM, Eugen Leitl <eugen@leitl.org> wrote:
Information superhighway approaches light speed
18:00 24 March 2013 by Jacob Aron Nothing moves faster than light in a vacuum, but large volumes of data can now travel at 99.7 per cent of this ultimate speed limit.
In glass optical fibres, light travels 31 per cent slower than in a vacuum. Hollowing them out so that most of the light travels through air speeds things up. But these hollow fibres are a poor replacement as light scatters at the glass-air interface, limiting the number of wavelengths, and therefore the volume of data, transmitted at once.
Now Francesco Poletti and colleagues at the University of Southampton, UK, have made fibres with an ultra-thin glass rim, enabling a much wider band of wavelengths to travel at high speed at once. The team's record is a 73.7 terabit per second transmission over 310 metres, a 15,000-fold increase over ordinary hollow fibres.
"Previous fibres either have higher bandwidth but high loss, or lower loss but narrower bandwidth," says Poletti. "We've achieved both in the same fibre."
Journal reference: Nature Photonics, DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2013.45
Towards high-capacity fibre-optic communications at the speed of light in vacuum
F. Poletti, N. V. Wheeler, M. N. Petrovich, N. Baddela, E. Numkam Fokoua, J. R. Hayes, D. R. Gray, Z. Li, R. Slavík & D. J. Richardson Nature Photonics (2013) doi:10.1038/nphoton.2013.45
Received 13 September 2012 Accepted 08 February 2013 Published online 24 March 2013
Wide-bandwidth signal transmission with low latency is emerging as a key requirement in a number of applications, including the development of future exaflop-scale supercomputers, financial algorithmic trading and cloud computing1, 2, 3. Optical fibres provide unsurpassed transmission bandwidth, but light propagates 31% slower in a silica glass fibre than in vacuum, thus compromising latency. Air guidance in hollow-core fibres can reduce fibre latency very significantly. However, state-of-the-art technology cannot achieve the combined values of loss, bandwidth and mode-coupling characteristics required for high-capacity data transmission. Here, we report a fundamentally improved hollow-core photonic-bandgap fibre that provides a record combination of low loss (3.5 dB km−1) and wide bandwidth (160 nm), and use it to transmit 37 × 40 Gbit s−1 channels at a 1.54 µs km−1 faster speed than in a conventional fibre. This represents the first experimental demonstration of fibre-based wavelength division multiplexed data transmission at close to (99.7%) the speed of light in vacuum.
participants (3)
Adele Thompson
Eugen Leitl
George Herbert