USA to Mexico IXP Equipment Recommendations

Advice and/or suggestions wanted. Any input greatly appreciated. *Scenario:* We have run fiber from the USA to Mexico and have an exchange point in place. Our fiber connections are dark and therefore we can use any configuration we want on as many pairs as we want. Currently we have decided to light two 100gig connections and they are piping across the border already. We have 200gig going to Los Angeles (Wilshire Adjacent) and are looking to the mexico interested community of network engineers to identify how our peering point in Tijuana can be made to best service the networks in the region (and abroad if they build in). Our IXP is good, but we want to update/upgrade and put in a future-compatible robust solution instead of what we have in there now. We are an open IXP and are wondering how you would prefer to peer and what your equipment recommendations are and why. We're not afraid to spend (some) money but we do want it to not be complete overkill however should last at least 5 to 10 years before any upgrade would be required. Also to note, we are running our own bandwidth over the pipes as well so we would like to keep them separated. *Norm* A.A.S. R.A. Lifetime Member *Archaeology, Astronautics and SETI Research Association* SETI Project Lifetime Contributor
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