Pacific Bell San Francisco NAP status as of 10/7/94: MCInet: Both router and DSU/CSU are connected to the NAP ATM switch and the router is able to communication with itself through a loopback provided by the switch. ANS/NSFNET: The DS3 circuit is completed on 10/7/94. The router and DSU/CSU will be connected to the NAP ATM switch on Monday, 10/10/94. vBNS: The DS3 circuit turn-up due date is 11/1/94 SprintLink: DS3 ATM port has been reserved and the order is being work on. RS: A DS3 ATM port was reserved and the DS3 circuit between the switch and the RS site (Pacific Bell's NOC) was verified. Order has been placed. The space and 2 cabinets for housing the RS, protected power and 3 data-grade dial-up lines were ordered. Frank
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