Re: BGP community guide for AS7911 (willtel, now L3)

For those of you who are interested. Additional community information has been posted on . For those 7911 customers who do use, or want to use communities, this document outlines both 7911 and 3356 communities (to ease the transition to 3356 when the time comes). thanks, charles On 4/27/06, Matthew Sprague <> wrote:
I have this from L3/WCG from Feb... it should still be accurate.
7911:90 -> Sets local preference for the prefix with this community to
90 7911:100 -> Sets local preference for the prefix with this community to 100 7911:110 -> Sets local preference for the prefix with this community to 110
We set a default local preference on all customer routes to 120. We set a default local preference on all peer routes to 110. We set a default local preference on all transit routes to 100.
We accept the well known community "no-export" or 7911:888 which tells us not to advertise the prefix with this community to any other AS.
We accept the community 7911:999 which is a conditional advertisement and tells us to advertise the prefixes with this community to our customers only.
Finally, we accept and honor all customer MEDs. -- Matthew Sprague ReadyTechs, L.L.C. 973.455.0606, x204
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Charles Gucker wrote:
On 4/27/06, John van Oppen <> wrote:
Does anybody have a list of communities that the old AS7911 accepts from customers? I can't find their guide anywhere and nobody at level3 seems to have it.
I really need to keep traffic from a couple of ASes away from them if possible and prepending to them results in almost no usage. In any case, the list is not at with the others.
It should go without saying, if anybody knows of a guide, or a location to obtain the guide, please let me know and I will add it to the site, even if it's going to be a short lived guide (from this point on).
thanks, charles
participants (1)
Charles Gucker