John, I am responding to your note to Al Weis regarding the exchange of commercial traffic between ANS and NEARnet. The short answer to your question is no, ANS will not accept commercial (CO) traffic generated by an attached network under the Connectivity Agreement. There is a Gateway agreement that can be signed whereby ANS and the attached network exchange CO traffic. The thread of your question implies that the infrastructure of NEARnet and that of ANSnet are symmetrical. Providing national backbone services as well as direct attachments and gateways positions ANSnet within a different economic and operational structure. The scale of our operational and other commitments does not allow ANSnet to provide transit services in exchange for the delivery of CO traffic being accepted by NEARnet. The regional does get something in return for accepting the ANS CO traffic in the form of added value to the regional's members who presumably may want access to and benefit from the CO services available. This added value means more members and more revenue. If you need any additional information, please give me a call. Al Hoover (914) 789-5300
Here is my question from last week, to which I have not heard a definitive answer. I think the list has some inquiring minds that want to know its answer from you.
OK, so NEARnet would agree to accept commercial traffic from ANS, does ANS agree to accept commercial traffic from NEARnet under the same terms and conditions? As I read it, a regional agrees to use its infrastructure as a distribution mechanism for ANS and gets nothing in return.
Thanks in advance for your clarification.
John M. Rugo NEARnet Business Manager Bolt Beranek and Newman

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 92 15:19:34 PST From: ahoover@hoovermac.ans.net (Al Hoover) The thread of your question implies that the infrastructure of NEARnet and that of ANSnet are symmetrical. Providing national backbone services as well as direct attachments and gateways positions ANSnet within a different economic and operational structure. Now that I'm an adult, I stand 6'2" and tip the scales around 240 lbs. I'm pretty strong, and when I'm in shape, I'm fast. Even when I was growing up, I was generally among the largest and most physically powerful of my classmates. I also happened to be among the brightest, which made me somewhat of a favorite of the teachers. Situations occasionally arose in the schoolyard during which I could have used my size to advantage, and I frequently could have used my ability to quickly complete classwork in order to gain favor with my teachers. But I was taught at an early age not to impose my will upon others by use of my size, and I learned not to ask for special treatment from those in authority over me simply because of my intellectual ability. Either act (beating up a kid on the playground, or sucking up to the teacher) would have lost me the respect of my peers, and it's hard to have friends when they don't respect you. It was far better to hold my temper and talk my way out of arguments, and to simply let my academic performance speak for itself. I eventually learned that I generally ought not to consider myself better than others, or in a different class and deserving of special treatment. I learned that I should particularly not make such claims in their hearing, because it tends to antagonize them. This general principle serves me well, and I have lived more or less peacefully with those around me since I began to generally apply it.
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ahooverļ¼ hoovermac.ans.net
Bob Sutterfield