Draft NETSTAT Minutes for 7 Dec. 1995

Network Status Reports met on 7 December, 1994 from 0930 to 1145. Scheduled presentations were ANS (Rob Lehman), NSFNET Transition (Elise Gerich), InternetMCI (Phill Gross), BBN (John Curran), Sprint NAP (Tim Clifford) and SprintLink (Sean Doran) In addition to the presentations and Q&A, several meta-issues were raised or implied (furished along with my attempt to digest the pulse of the group). Is it appropriate to give what is essentially a marketing presentation at IETF? The consensus seems to be "no" if it is solely and blatantly such, but there is dissention as to where the line is. With the increasing activity of for profit concerns in the Internet, will it be possible to continue the openness of past years' presentations wrt traffic, performance, uptime statistics, etc.? [Despite the fears or predictions of some, there appeared to be some continuing openness, but also examples of extremely closed practices. I think that collegial backpressure has ceased to be sufficient to maintain the historical levels of disclosure and cooperation. - efh] In the light of these questions, what is the charter of this group? (including what is desirable vs. what is acceptable). [I think this is an ongoing process. Does commercial necessarily mean concealed? I think in the context of an interconnected, interdependent environment, it can't in the long run. - efh] Beyond concerns about openness, there are areas of concern not being addressed at all: What is the forum for operations, engineering and troubleshooting above TCP/UDP? Traditional IP regionals and carriers have been content to (determined to?) focus their energies on transport and routing. What is the forum for general end-to-end problem solving? Presentations: ANS Rob Lehman,<rll@ans.net> [See slides - only supplemental notes follow] ANSNET traffic surpassed 100m inbound packets in Nov.! CIDR note: after AUP disappears, there ought to be further aggregation possible ANS' NAP connectivity status: Connection to the Sprint NAP was installed on 9-21-94. At this time (7 Dec. 94) it's only been operational since 2 weeks, but substantial traffic has been exchanged Connection to the PacBell NAP was installed on 10-14-94, but is not in production. Connection to the Ameritech NAP was installed on 11-22-94, but is not in production. A MAE+ FDDI Installation plan has been established. Its exact schedule is contingent on logistics. Real Soon Now. ANS did link optimizations for cross-country trunking, to address an imbalance in the relative utilizations of their northern and southern routes. After testing, they are further considering deployment of Random Early Drop. Transition Elise Gerich <epg@merit.edu> [No slides - see contemporaneous presentations to IESG, etc.] NONE of the ENSSen have been retired. The regionals' transition to non-NSF Inter-Regional Connectivity has been slow. Target dates of Nov. 1 and Dec. 1 have been missed, Merit is hoping for ~ Jan. 1 terminations + 60 days... THEnet and MOREnet have made the transition to SprintLink. SURAnet has moved traffic to MCInet, but has not formally notified Merit of the ability to terminate the ENSS connection. CA*NET is close to transition to MCI THEnet is sharing Inter-Regional Connectivity with Sesquinet Interconnection point status: The Sprint NAP has connections from Sprint, MCI, and NSFNET. In DC, at MFS facilities, everyone is on MAE and is committed to connecting to MAE+. At the Ameritech NAP, MCI and NSFNET are about to start peering, with Sprint to connect soon. PacBell has MCI and ANS are peering, and Sprint will connect soon. Route servers are present at MAE, the PacBell NAP, the Ameritech and the Sprint NAP. Routing DB deployment and transition. The applications are moving from PRDB (@merit) to RA (db-admin@radb.ra.net). At some point, Merit will do dual use of NACR and RADB forms, followed by retirement of NACR (transition ca. Jan. 15.) Merit has recommended to NSF that during transition (Jan.-Jun., there should be no need to specify AUP. If anyone is still relying on PRDB reports they should contact Dale!!! InternetMCI Phill Gross <0006423401@mcimail.com> [see pretty slides. In color. Phill apologized.] Problems were experienced transitioning SURAnet, thus delaying the CoREN schedule. "DS3 networking is not yet a commodity service." - experienced some problems in the routers. Questions from the floor: What management platform does InternetMCI use? Phill: Hewlett- Packard OpenView, plus homegrown tools and extensions. What Other nets beside CoREN is MCI serving? Phill: CA*NET is partially transitioned...(at 3Mb), WIDE (at T1) and BTnet (at E1) InternetMCI NAP connectivity status: Chicago (Ameritech) was connected a the end of last week, MCI is connected and peering at Sprint, MAE and CIX. ANS and MCI are interconnected at FDDI at Hayward CA. common PoP (Phill: Thanks for the cooperation, ANS!) Q: When will MCI be connected to FIX-W? Phill: I don't know. It's underway, maybe by the end of year, approximately the same as CIX- SMDS, MAE+. Q: What's the status of the vBNS? Phill: we're deploying a testnet, and full rollout 1Q95 at OC-3. The testnet should be operational before Christmas. BBN John Curran <curran@bbn.com> [Admittedly marketing slides.] BBN is upgrading the NEARNET spine in the Boston area, migrating from microwave Ethernet to fiber (MFS 10Mb over NYNEX T3). Currently BBN has almost 2000 SNMP managed items... Operations/NOC/NIC tip: you can head off phone calls by giving seminars! BBN is now offering "Turnkey Internet Server" (Pentium/BSDi) Internet Site Patrol - managed firewall (BBN CONTROLS it), with remote management done by BBN ISC over a secure channel. It's derived from TIS products, and supports telnet, ftp, smtp, nntp, www, x BBN strenuously wants to know how to pursue end-to-end problem solving (they still subscribe to 'the router is BBN's, we control the horizontal, we control the vertical). Sprint NAP, Tim Clifford <tcliff@sprint.net>(New PI) Report on the Sprint "NY" NAP (in Southern NJ). It is now (Dec. 94) a dual FDDI ring, and in Jan. will be converted to a DEC Gigaswitch. [See before and after diagrams]. Connected, parties include MCI, NSFNET, Sprint and Cerfnet. A Route Server is present and running. Aside: Sprint has "always thought about ATM" [the implication being that they felt is wasn't ready - efh] Question: the DEC GigaSwitch has DS3 cards. Have you considered access this way? Tim: not really. [It's my understanding that a GS ATM interface can only talk to other GS. - efh] Q: being already co-located, can folks try alternate interconnect technologies? Tim: likely. Try us. SprintLink, Sean Doran <smd@sprint.net> Sprintlink's T1 backbone is melting down. They're converting to DS- 3s or parallel T1s in the next few weeks.[see diagram]. T3 customers feed directly into BB routers to avoid saturating local FDDI rings For trans-US international connectivity, ICM has 2 T3 between Stockton, CA and DC. The design goal in separation of SprintLink and ICM was the assurance of symmetry of routing. [Context?] preservation of next hop in routing is critical feature (could not wait for IDRP) Q: What about fears of an ASpath explosion in routing tables? Sean: Too late. Already here!

Gene Hastings writes: THEnet is sharing Inter-Regional Connectivity with Sesquinet Incorrect, as of THEnet's transition to Sprint in Oct. -- Jeff Hayward

Below is a pair of gross and ugly maps that Vadim Antonov and I have just drawn with xfig (apologies for the delay). The first slide is roughly what I drew freehand at the IETF meeting in San Jose, the second is the current working model we are tossing around in Engineering. Hopefully I'll have the pop-design, ICMnet and design rationale slides shortly, if not, I'll have them (and others) at NANOG. Sean. - -- # This is a shell archive. Save it in a file, remove anything before # this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file". Note, it may # create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and # have default permissions. # # This archive contains: # # bbplan.ps # bbslide.ps # echo x - bbplan.ps sed 's/^X//' >bbplan.ps << 'END-of-bbplan.ps' X%!PS-Adobe-2.0 X%%Title: /tmp/xfig-fig027532 X%%Creator: fig2dev X%%CreationDate: Thu Jan 19 23:44:38 1995 X%%For: smd@isis.sprintlink.net (Sean Doran) X%%Orientation: Landscape X%%BoundingBox: 104 36 507 756 X%%Pages: 1 X%%EndComments X/$F2psDict 200 dict def X$F2psDict begin X$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put X/l {lineto} bind def X/m {moveto} bind def X/s {stroke} bind def X/n {newpath} bind def X/gs {gsave} bind def X/gr {grestore} bind def X/clp {closepath} bind def X/graycol {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul X4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor} bind def X/col-1 {} def X/col0 {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col1 {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col2 {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col3 {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col4 {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col5 {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col6 {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col7 {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X /DrawEllipse { X /endangle exch def X /startangle exch def X /yrad exch def X /xrad exch def X /y exch def X /x exch def X /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def X x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc X savematrix setmatrix X } def X X end X/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def X/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def X%%EndProlog X X$F2psBegin X0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin X75.5 40.0 translate 90 rotate 0.900 -0.900 scale X1.000 setlinewidth Xn 614.000 244.000 15.811 -161.565 -71.565 arc Xgs col0 s gr Xn 599.000 214.000 25.000 90.000 36.870 arcn Xgs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 349 111 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 169 369 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 350 371 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 130 3 10 0 360 DrawEllipse 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l 619 239 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 679 219 m 679 199 l 659 199 l 659 219 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 229 m 679 229 l 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 259 m 159 239 l 139 239 l 139 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 279 299 m 279 279 l 259 279 l 259 299 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 439 259 m 439 239 l 419 239 l 419 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 439 219 m 439 199 l 419 199 l 419 219 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 429 199 m 329 119 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 369 119 m 269 239 l gs col-1 s gr Xn 424 259 m 424 259 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 579 249 m 439 249 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 259 249 m 159 249 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 329 359 m 429 259 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 369 359 m 269 299 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 379 m 599 359 l 579 359 l 579 379 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 559 379 m 559 359 l 539 359 l 539 379 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 159 119 m 159 99 l 139 99 l 139 119 l clp gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 119 m 199 99 l 179 99 l 179 119 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 149 239 m 149 119 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 109 m 319 109 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 589 299 m 589 359 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 539 369 m 379 369 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 279 259 m 279 239 l 259 239 l 259 259 l clp gs col-1 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 289 m 139 289 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 299 m 99 339 l 79 339 l gs col-1 s gr X% Polyline Xn 329 99 m 329 79 l gs col-1 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 299 m 79 299 l 79 279 l 99 279 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 629 219 m 629 209 l 659 209 l gs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 329 39 m X 324.245 34.805 321.745 33.555 319 34 curveto X 316.685 34.376 315.762 38.270 314 39 curveto X 311.509 40.032 306.278 39.000 304 39 curveto X 301.722 39.000 294.805 37.055 294 39 curveto X 293.430 40.375 299.364 41.755 299 44 curveto X 298.424 47.549 290.375 44.875 289 49 curveto X 287.625 53.125 294.000 55.804 294 59 curveto X 294.000 62.196 287.300 66.250 289 69 curveto X 290.520 71.460 296.509 67.968 299 69 curveto X 300.762 69.730 301.685 73.624 304 74 curveto X 307.660 74.594 311.250 67.300 314 69 curveto X 315.230 69.760 313.185 72.682 314 74 curveto X 315.822 76.948 322.178 76.052 324 79 curveto X 324.815 80.318 322.625 82.625 324 84 curveto X 325.375 85.375 327.682 84.815 329 84 curveto X 331.948 82.178 329.875 75.375 334 74 curveto X 338.125 72.625 340.340 79.594 344 79 curveto X 348.629 78.249 350.477 70.459 354 69 curveto X 355.246 68.484 357.754 69.516 359 69 curveto X 360.762 68.270 362.238 64.730 364 64 curveto X 364.000 64.000 364.000 64.000 364 64 curveto X 366.948 62.178 368.377 56.639 369 54 curveto X 369.279 52.820 369.815 50.318 369 49 curveto X 367.178 46.052 361.024 46.024 359 44 curveto X 356.976 41.976 357.549 34.576 354 34 curveto X 351.755 33.636 351.315 38.624 349 39 curveto X 345.340 39.594 342.660 33.406 339 34 curveto X 336.685 34.376 335.762 38.270 334 39 curveto X 331.509 40.032 324.805 40.945 324 39 curveto X 323.573 37.969 324.823 36.719 329 34 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 589 39 m X 576.103 32.388 569.853 31.138 564 34 curveto X 560.578 35.674 560.139 41.722 559 44 curveto X 557.861 46.278 553.790 50.629 554 54 curveto X 554.339 59.436 562.687 64.662 564 69 curveto X 565.093 72.609 561.083 82.792 564 84 curveto X 568.125 85.709 572.266 67.907 579 69 curveto X 582.549 69.576 581.052 77.178 584 79 curveto X 585.318 79.815 587.797 79.364 589 79 curveto X 593.338 77.687 598.564 69.338 604 69 curveto X 607.371 68.790 610.340 74.594 614 74 curveto X 618.629 73.249 622.057 66.695 624 64 curveto X 625.536 61.869 629.000 57.196 629 54 curveto X 629.000 50.804 626.278 45.975 624 44 curveto X 620.779 41.206 612.946 39.152 609 39 curveto X 603.855 38.802 594.944 45.646 589 44 curveto X 587.471 43.576 586.221 42.326 584 39 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 289 m X 687.156 292.094 690.906 292.094 694 289 curveto X 698.125 284.875 690.528 278.099 694 274 curveto X 701.041 265.689 716.080 267.300 724 269 curveto X 728.695 270.008 734.358 277.947 739 279 curveto X 748.104 281.065 763.163 266.713 774 274 curveto X 780.319 278.249 780.646 288.056 779 294 curveto X 777.306 300.117 770.117 307.306 764 309 curveto X 758.056 310.647 748.971 304.118 744 304 curveto X 737.852 303.854 725.509 309.872 719 309 curveto X 716.146 308.618 712.008 304.214 709 304 curveto X 704.747 303.698 699.180 311.843 694 309 curveto X 688.935 306.220 687.685 301.220 689 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 249 m X 71.431 239.550 67.681 235.800 64 234 curveto X 54.672 229.438 33.543 228.424 24 229 curveto X 19.120 229.295 8.368 228.405 4 234 curveto X -1.297 240.785 -1.099 252.240 4 259 curveto X 11.425 268.843 29.815 269.200 39 269 curveto X 42.990 268.913 50.652 265.387 54 264 curveto X 57.551 262.529 62.551 260.029 74 254 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 199 m X 75.857 189.245 73.357 185.495 69 184 curveto X 63.904 182.252 58.253 189.302 54 189 curveto X 50.992 188.786 47.660 183.406 44 184 curveto X 41.685 184.376 39.730 187.238 39 189 curveto X 37.968 191.492 38.443 196.640 39 199 curveto X 39.623 201.639 43.377 206.361 44 209 curveto X 44.279 210.180 42.696 213.060 44 214 curveto X 48.125 216.973 55.334 209.595 59 209 curveto X 61.319 208.624 66.722 209.000 69 209 curveto X 70.139 209.000 72.754 209.516 74 209 curveto X 75.762 208.270 78.270 205.762 79 204 curveto X 79.387 203.066 79.387 201.816 79 199 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 739 239 m X 761.329 235.165 771.329 235.165 779 239 curveto X 785.392 242.196 796.024 250.425 794 259 curveto X 791.963 267.628 784.463 271.378 764 274 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 764 274 m X 738.371 276.459 727.121 276.459 719 274 curveto X 715.747 273.015 711.997 270.515 704 264 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 699.875 263.125 704.875 263.125 709 259 curveto X 714.500 253.500 703.500 244.500 709 239 curveto X 715.187 232.813 722.687 232.813 739 239 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 680.646 253.562 678.146 251.062 679 249 curveto X 679.000 249.000 679.000 249.000 679 249 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 209 m X 689.875 213.125 694.875 213.125 699 209 curveto X 703.125 204.875 694.875 198.125 699 194 curveto X 701.750 191.250 706.250 196.750 709 194 curveto X 711.750 191.250 706.303 186.211 709 184 curveto X 715.875 178.364 727.734 189.390 734 189 curveto X 737.886 188.758 744.553 183.405 749 184 curveto X 754.070 184.679 760.787 191.366 764 194 curveto X 766.521 196.066 774.000 198.500 774 204 curveto X 774.000 209.500 767.523 212.540 764 214 curveto X 762.754 214.516 760.151 213.858 759 214 curveto X 754.254 214.584 744.369 219.589 739 219 curveto X 736.089 218.680 731.639 214.623 729 214 curveto X 726.640 213.443 721.278 214.000 719 214 curveto X 714.444 214.000 704.500 219.500 699 214 curveto X 697.969 212.969 697.969 211.719 699 209 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 84 339 m X 84.000 344.791 84.000 347.291 84 349 curveto X 84.000 352.417 86.909 359.965 84 364 curveto X 80.934 368.254 73.253 369.302 69 369 curveto X 65.992 368.786 62.660 363.406 59 364 curveto X 56.685 364.376 56.133 368.496 54 369 curveto X 49.230 370.126 42.262 366.016 39 364 curveto X 36.082 362.197 30.459 357.523 29 354 curveto X 28.484 352.754 30.375 350.375 29 349 curveto X 26.250 346.250 21.637 350.630 19 349 curveto X 16.052 347.178 14.623 341.639 14 339 curveto X 13.164 335.459 10.822 328.071 14 324 curveto X 18.368 318.405 28.855 318.802 34 319 curveto X 37.946 319.152 45.054 323.848 49 324 curveto X 54.145 324.198 64.254 319.584 69 319 curveto X 71.302 318.717 76.310 317.061 79 319 curveto X 83.254 322.066 83.405 330.334 84 334 curveto X 84.141 334.870 84.141 336.120 84 339 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 289 m X 74.992 298.381 72.492 302.131 69 304 curveto X 63.835 306.764 53.983 301.936 49 304 curveto X 45.477 305.460 43.266 312.993 39 314 curveto X 34.230 315.126 27.348 310.387 24 309 curveto X 21.633 308.019 16.639 304.623 14 304 curveto X 11.640 303.443 6.750 306.750 4 304 curveto X 2.969 302.969 2.969 301.719 4 299 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn -1 274 m X 16.045 277.968 23.545 279.218 29 279 curveto X 33.930 278.803 44.254 274.584 49 274 curveto X 53.604 273.433 63.835 271.236 69 274 curveto X 72.492 275.869 74.992 279.619 79 289 curveto Xgs col-1 s gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X544 284 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (D.C.) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (AADS NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X589 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sprint NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X59 204 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 339 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (PAC*Bell) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 357 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (NAP) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 419 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (All Links DS3) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 431 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Except T1 to CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X44 444 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (10Mbps to MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X54 459 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (T1 to Homestead FL/PANAMSAT) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X754 259 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X739 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST+) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X709 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-EAST) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 48.00 scalefont setfont X404 454 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (SprintLink Backbone) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X404 479 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Current engineering working plan Jan 1995) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X139 84 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Seattle WA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X369 89 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Chicago IL) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X559 399 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Orlando FL) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 399 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Fort Worth TX) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X449 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Nashville TN) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X284 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Cheyenne WY) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X169 289 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Stockton CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X179 344 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Anaheim CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X659 324 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vienna VA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X604 94 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Pennsauken NJ) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 189 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (College Park MD) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X639 454 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sean Doran <smd@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X639 466 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vadim Antonov <avg@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr Xshowpage X$F2psEnd END-of-bbplan.ps echo x - bbslide.ps sed 's/^X//' >bbslide.ps << 'END-of-bbslide.ps' X%!PS-Adobe-2.0 X%%Title: /tmp/xfig-fig027532 X%%Creator: fig2dev X%%CreationDate: Thu Jan 19 23:43:42 1995 X%%For: smd@isis.sprintlink.net (Sean Doran) X%%Orientation: Landscape X%%BoundingBox: 107 36 505 756 X%%Pages: 1 X%%EndComments X/$F2psDict 200 dict def X$F2psDict begin X$F2psDict /mtrx matrix put X/l {lineto} bind def X/m {moveto} bind def X/s {stroke} bind def X/n {newpath} bind def X/gs {gsave} bind def X/gr {grestore} bind def X/clp {closepath} bind def X/graycol {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul X4 -2 roll mul setrgbcolor} bind def X/col-1 {} def X/col0 {0 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col1 {0 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col2 {0 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col3 {0 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col4 {1 0 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col5 {1 0 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col6 {1 1 0 setrgbcolor} bind def X/col7 {1 1 1 setrgbcolor} bind def X /DrawEllipse { X /endangle exch def X /startangle exch def X /yrad exch def X /xrad exch def X /y exch def X /x exch def X /savematrix mtrx currentmatrix def X x y translate xrad yrad scale 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc X savematrix setmatrix X } def X X end X/$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def X/$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def X%%EndProlog X X$F2psBegin X0 setlinecap 0 setlinejoin X78.0 40.0 translate 90 rotate 0.900 -0.900 scale X1.000 setlinewidth Xn 614.000 244.000 15.811 -161.565 -71.565 arc Xgs col0 s gr Xn 599.000 214.000 25.000 90.000 36.870 arcn Xgs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 349 111 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 169 369 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 350 371 10 2 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 591 130 3 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X% Ellipse Xn 149 269 2 10 0 360 DrawEllipse gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 339 119 m 339 99 l 319 99 l 319 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 119 m 379 99 l 359 99 l 359 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 119 m 599 99 l 579 99 l 579 119 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 159 m 599 139 l 579 139 l 579 159 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 599 259 m 599 239 l 579 239 l 579 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 159 259 m 159 239 l 139 239 l 139 259 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 589 159 m 589 239 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 109 m 579 109 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 299 m 159 279 l 139 279 l 139 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 149 239 m 149 109 l 319 109 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X% Polyline Xn 159 249 m 579 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 159 379 m 159 359 l 139 359 l 139 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 379 m 199 359 l 179 359 l 179 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 339 379 m 339 359 l 319 359 l 319 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 379 379 m 379 359 l 359 359 l 359 379 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 379 369 m 589 369 l 589 299 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 199 369 m 319 369 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 149 299 m 149 359 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 679 299 m 679 279 l 659 279 l 659 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X [4.000000] 0 setdash X% Polyline Xn 99 299 m 99 279 l 79 279 l 79 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 99 289 m 139 289 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 299 m 599 279 l 579 279 l 579 299 l clp gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth Xn 589 99 m 589 99 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 589 99 m 589 79 l gs col0 s gr Xn 329 99 m 329 99 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr Xn 139 249 m 139 249 l gs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 249 m 99 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 99 259 m 99 239 l 79 239 l 79 259 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 139 239 m 79 199 l gs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 9.000000] 9.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 329 99 m 329 79 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X2.000 setlinewidth X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Polyline Xn 139 299 m 99 339 l 79 339 l gs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X% Polyline Xn 599 289 m 659 289 l gs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 599 249 m 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X0.500 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 239 m 639 219 l 619 219 l 619 239 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X% Polyline Xn 679 219 m 679 199 l 659 199 l 659 219 l clp gs 0.70 setgray fill gr Xgs col0 s gr X4.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 629 219 m 629 209 l 659 209 l gs col0 s gr X1.000 setlinewidth X% Polyline Xn 639 229 m 679 229 l 679 249 l gs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 329 39 m X 324.245 34.805 321.745 33.555 319 34 curveto X 316.685 34.376 315.762 38.270 314 39 curveto X 311.509 40.032 306.278 39.000 304 39 curveto X 301.722 39.000 294.805 37.055 294 39 curveto X 293.430 40.375 299.364 41.755 299 44 curveto X 298.424 47.549 290.375 44.875 289 49 curveto X 287.625 53.125 294.000 55.804 294 59 curveto X 294.000 62.196 287.300 66.250 289 69 curveto X 290.520 71.460 296.509 67.968 299 69 curveto X 300.762 69.730 301.685 73.624 304 74 curveto X 307.660 74.594 311.250 67.300 314 69 curveto X 315.230 69.760 313.185 72.682 314 74 curveto X 315.822 76.948 322.178 76.052 324 79 curveto X 324.815 80.318 322.625 82.625 324 84 curveto X 325.375 85.375 327.682 84.815 329 84 curveto X 331.948 82.178 329.875 75.375 334 74 curveto X 338.125 72.625 340.340 79.594 344 79 curveto X 348.629 78.249 350.477 70.459 354 69 curveto X 355.246 68.484 357.754 69.516 359 69 curveto X 360.762 68.270 362.238 64.730 364 64 curveto X 364.000 64.000 364.000 64.000 364 64 curveto X 366.948 62.178 368.377 56.639 369 54 curveto X 369.279 52.820 369.815 50.318 369 49 curveto X 367.178 46.052 361.024 46.024 359 44 curveto X 356.976 41.976 357.549 34.576 354 34 curveto X 351.755 33.636 351.315 38.624 349 39 curveto X 345.340 39.594 342.660 33.406 339 34 curveto X 336.685 34.376 335.762 38.270 334 39 curveto X 331.509 40.032 324.805 40.945 324 39 curveto X 323.573 37.969 324.823 36.719 329 34 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 589 39 m X 576.103 32.388 569.853 31.138 564 34 curveto X 560.578 35.674 560.139 41.722 559 44 curveto X 557.861 46.278 553.790 50.629 554 54 curveto X 554.339 59.436 562.687 64.662 564 69 curveto X 565.093 72.609 561.083 82.792 564 84 curveto X 568.125 85.709 572.266 67.907 579 69 curveto X 582.549 69.576 581.052 77.178 584 79 curveto X 585.318 79.815 587.797 79.364 589 79 curveto X 593.338 77.687 598.564 69.338 604 69 curveto X 607.371 68.790 610.340 74.594 614 74 curveto X 618.629 73.249 622.057 66.695 624 64 curveto X 625.536 61.869 629.000 57.196 629 54 curveto X 629.000 50.804 626.278 45.975 624 44 curveto X 620.779 41.206 612.946 39.152 609 39 curveto X 603.855 38.802 594.944 45.646 589 44 curveto X 587.471 43.576 586.221 42.326 584 39 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 289 m X 687.156 292.094 690.906 292.094 694 289 curveto X 698.125 284.875 690.528 278.099 694 274 curveto X 701.041 265.689 716.080 267.300 724 269 curveto X 728.695 270.008 734.358 277.947 739 279 curveto X 748.104 281.065 763.163 266.713 774 274 curveto X 780.319 278.249 780.646 288.056 779 294 curveto X 777.306 300.117 770.117 307.306 764 309 curveto X 758.056 310.647 748.971 304.118 744 304 curveto X 737.852 303.854 725.509 309.872 719 309 curveto X 716.146 308.618 712.008 304.214 709 304 curveto X 704.747 303.698 699.180 311.843 694 309 curveto X 688.935 306.220 687.685 301.220 689 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 249 m X 71.431 239.550 67.681 235.800 64 234 curveto X 54.672 229.438 33.543 228.424 24 229 curveto X 19.120 229.295 8.368 228.405 4 234 curveto X -1.297 240.785 -1.099 252.240 4 259 curveto X 11.425 268.843 29.815 269.200 39 269 curveto X 42.990 268.913 50.652 265.387 54 264 curveto X 57.551 262.529 62.551 260.029 74 254 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 289 m X 74.992 298.381 72.492 302.131 69 304 curveto X 63.835 306.764 53.983 301.936 49 304 curveto X 45.477 305.460 43.266 312.993 39 314 curveto X 34.230 315.126 27.348 310.387 24 309 curveto X 21.633 308.019 16.639 304.623 14 304 curveto X 11.640 303.443 6.750 306.750 4 304 curveto X 2.969 302.969 2.969 301.719 4 299 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X 1 setlinecap [1 6.000000] 6.000000 setdash X% Interpolated spline Xn -1 274 m X 16.045 277.968 23.545 279.218 29 279 curveto X 33.930 278.803 44.254 274.584 49 274 curveto X 53.604 273.433 63.835 271.236 69 274 curveto X 72.492 275.869 74.992 279.619 79 289 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X [] 0 setdash 0 setlinecap X0.500 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 79 199 m X 75.857 189.245 73.357 185.495 69 184 curveto X 63.904 182.252 58.253 189.302 54 189 curveto X 50.992 188.786 47.660 183.406 44 184 curveto X 41.685 184.376 39.730 187.238 39 189 curveto X 37.968 191.492 38.443 196.640 39 199 curveto X 39.623 201.639 43.377 206.361 44 209 curveto X 44.279 210.180 42.696 213.060 44 214 curveto X 48.125 216.973 55.334 209.595 59 209 curveto X 61.319 208.624 66.722 209.000 69 209 curveto X 70.139 209.000 72.754 209.516 74 209 curveto X 75.762 208.270 78.270 205.762 79 204 curveto X 79.387 203.066 79.387 201.816 79 199 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X2.000 setlinewidth X% Interpolated spline Xn 84 339 m X 84.000 344.791 84.000 347.291 84 349 curveto X 84.000 352.417 86.909 359.965 84 364 curveto X 80.934 368.254 73.253 369.302 69 369 curveto X 65.992 368.786 62.660 363.406 59 364 curveto X 56.685 364.376 56.133 368.496 54 369 curveto X 49.230 370.126 42.262 366.016 39 364 curveto X 36.082 362.197 30.459 357.523 29 354 curveto X 28.484 352.754 30.375 350.375 29 349 curveto X 26.250 346.250 21.637 350.630 19 349 curveto X 16.052 347.178 14.623 341.639 14 339 curveto X 13.164 335.459 10.822 328.071 14 324 curveto X 18.368 318.405 28.855 318.802 34 319 curveto X 37.946 319.152 45.054 323.848 49 324 curveto X 54.145 324.198 64.254 319.584 69 319 curveto X 71.302 318.717 76.310 317.061 79 319 curveto X 83.254 322.066 83.405 330.334 84 334 curveto X 84.141 334.870 84.141 336.120 84 339 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 739 239 m X 761.329 235.165 771.329 235.165 779 239 curveto X 785.392 242.196 796.024 250.425 794 259 curveto X 791.963 267.628 784.463 271.378 764 274 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 764 274 m X 738.371 276.459 727.121 276.459 719 274 curveto X 715.747 273.015 711.997 270.515 704 264 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 699.875 263.125 704.875 263.125 709 259 curveto X 714.500 253.500 703.500 244.500 709 239 curveto X 715.187 232.813 722.687 232.813 739 239 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 689 259 m X 680.646 253.562 678.146 251.062 679 249 curveto X 679.000 249.000 679.000 249.000 679 249 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X% Interpolated spline Xn 679 209 m X 689.875 213.125 694.875 213.125 699 209 curveto X 703.125 204.875 694.875 198.125 699 194 curveto X 701.750 191.250 706.250 196.750 709 194 curveto X 711.750 191.250 706.303 186.211 709 184 curveto X 715.875 178.364 727.734 189.390 734 189 curveto X 737.886 188.758 744.553 183.405 749 184 curveto X 754.070 184.679 760.787 191.366 764 194 curveto X 766.521 196.066 774.000 198.500 774 204 curveto X 774.000 209.500 767.523 212.540 764 214 curveto X 762.754 214.516 760.151 213.858 759 214 curveto X 754.254 214.584 744.369 219.589 739 219 curveto X 736.089 218.680 731.639 214.623 729 214 curveto X 726.640 213.443 721.278 214.000 719 214 curveto X 714.444 214.000 704.500 219.500 699 214 curveto X 697.969 212.969 697.969 211.719 699 209 curveto Xgs col0 s gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X544 284 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (D.C.) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X329 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (AADS NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X39 254 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-WEST) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X589 59 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sprint NAP) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X59 204 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 339 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (PAC*Bell) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X74 357 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (NAP) dup stringwidth pop neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 354 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (\(Homestead FL not shown\)) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 48.00 scalefont setfont X404 434 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (SprintLink Backbone) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 419 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (All Links DS3) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X39 431 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Except T1 to CIX) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X44 444 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (10Mbps to MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X54 459 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (T1 to Homestead FL/PANAMSAT) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X9 474 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Backbone T1s \(Chicago/Stockton, Chicago/Fort Worth\)) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X754 259 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST-) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X739 294 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (MAE-EAST+) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X709 209 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (FIX-EAST) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X404 464 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (\(as of Jan 1995\)) dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 0 rmoveto col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X334 134 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Chicago IL) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X324 349 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Fort Worth TX) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X169 289 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Stockton CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X619 189 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (College Park MD) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X659 324 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vienna VA) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X604 94 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Pennsauken NJ) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 12.00 scalefont setfont X179 344 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Anaheim CA) col0 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X609 449 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Sean Doran <smd@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr X/Times-Roman findfont 6.00 scalefont setfont X609 461 m Xgs 1 -1 scale (Vadim Antonov <avg@sprint.net>) col-1 show gr Xshowpage X$F2psEnd END-of-bbslide.ps exit
participants (3)
Gene Hastings
Jeff Hayward
Sean Doran