Re: The Gorgon's Knot. Was: Re: Verio Peering Question

Find a way to provide reliable multi homing without massive route table growth and you fix many things.
We tried, at least for the IPv6 community, but A6 was just experimentalized.
I do not run Vario ... I will not fault them for taking a stance?
It's hard to justify any statement of the form "somebody else ought to do XYZ". If it's a good idea and well presented, they'll do it. If not, they won't. I would no more allow a third party (noncustomer) to tell me what routes I had to accept than I would allow a third party to tell me what e-mail (e.g., "spam") I had to accept. If I own the router (or mail server, or whatever) then it's up to me (and my customers) to decide how they're to be configured. The flip side definitely applies as well. If a peer doesn't like the routes I'm sending them then since they're not a third party to the peering relationship they definitely have the power and right to negotiate with me. But somebody like Patrick would qualify as a third party, with no rights at all, and would be, and should be, ignored.

At 12:51 PM 9/28/2001 -0700, Paul Vixie wrote:
If it's a good idea and well presented, they'll do it.
Dorian argued (effectively, IMHO) that this is no where near always the case.
But somebody like Patrick would qualify as a third party, with no rights at all, and would be, and should be, ignored.
Thanx, Paul. I do believe you qualify as a third party as well. :) However, please note that at no time did I say Verio must stop filtering. At least I do not think I did. If I did, please forgive me, I should not have done so. In fact, I quite clearly stated: "I encourage Verio and Verio engineers to continue filtering if they so desire." I did say their actions were opposite their words (they are), I mentioned that no other backbone (at least none I can find) filters like Verio does, and I noted some of the affects to smaller providers if all backbones filtered. I also encouraged all other backbones to filter Verio as Verio filters them. But that is just a suggestion. Feel free to configure your routers (mail servers, etc.) as you please. -- TTFN, patrick

Find a way to provide reliable multi homing without massive route table growth and you fix many things. We tried, at least for the IPv6 community, but A6 was just experimentalized.
maybe because folk missed the i-d where a6 was shown to enable multi homing without massive route table growth randy
participants (3)
Patrick W. Gilmore
Paul Vixie
Randy Bush