If you have interests in the UK, and you're not already aware of the "Regulation of Investigatory Powers" legislation due this year, then read http://www.stand.org.uk/ripnotes/ http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~chl/scenarios.html http://www.fipr.org/rip/ http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199900/cmbills/064/2000064.htm http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/oicd/techcost.pdf There's some potentially nasty wrinkles that, for example, remove the presumption of innocence, and right not to self-incriminate. Hilariously, it becomes an offence to reveal to anyone (including your organisational superior) that the police have forced the disclosure of a private key. See the scenarios in particular for more cryptographic and telco situations, including IP related possibilities. You may have to pay for the cost of tapping your own users. However it seems to me that this legislation will fall apart with the first test case. Several techniques based on international disclosure would make a mockery of what is already a gross violation of the EU Convention on Human Rights. - Joshua -- Joshua Goodall "Bandwidth Evangelist" ... p.s. <grin /> at cross-over with PG's note to similar effect ...
participants (1)
Joshua Goodall