OSI Survey for Regionals attached to the Internet

Below is a survey on OSI usage in the Internet. Could you take a moment and fill out this survey? It may look long, but it should only take a few minutes to fill out. Your answers will help the people working on OSI in the Internet plan our next work. Thank you for your help! Please send it in as soon as possible. We'd like to get all responses back within a week. Thank-you, Susan Hares IETF NOOP chair Survey on OSI in Your Network Purpose for Survey: The IETF Network OSI Operational Working Group wants to find out details on OSI use their is in the Internet. The results of the survey will be published as an FYI document for the Internet. Any people answering the Survey will be sent electronic copies of the FYI document on the results of the survey. As people beginning to use OSI on the Internet, the will be able to refer to this document to find out who supports the ISO CLNP layer across the Internet. Timeframe for Survey: Please return this survey by February 27th, 1992. Results will be published as a paper for the NOOP group by March 7th, 1992. Send responses to skh@merit.edu. Introduction to the Survey: Questions 1-6 are for those who route Connection Network Layer Packets (CLNP ISO 8473) or DECNET Phase 5 traffic on their network. Questions 7-8 are for those who do not yet route CLNP or DECNET Phase 5. 1.) Do you support the routing of Connection Network Layer Protocol (CLNP (ISO 8473)) packets on your network? If so, 1.1) What number of routers do you have in your network? How many of these routers pass CLNP packets? 1.2) What router vendors do you use in your network? What router vendors do you use in the routers that are passing CLNP packets? 1.3) What type of intra-domain routing do you do within your network? IS-IS? Cisco IGRP based OSI? static? 1.4) What type of inter-domain routing do you do? Cisco poor-man's Inter-domain routing? static? 1.5) Would you be interested in the new ISO Inter-Domain Routing Protocol (IDRP (ISO CD 10747)) when it becomes available? 1.6) Do you consider the OSI service to be: Production - guaranteed delivery and high level of service, Experimental - guaranteed delivery, but service not at highest level Prototype - A first offerings of CLNP which is limited to a few sites, or Pilot - For demonstrations and Pilot projects only? Please select the category nearest to your service. You may include other comments to further qualify this service level. 1.7) If you are running both IP and CLNP, What do you consider your IP service - Production, Experimental, Prototype, or Pilot? 1.8) What amount of traffic do you pass per day, per week and per month? 2.) Are you now routing DECNET Phase 5 traffic on your system? If you are routing DECNET Phase 5: a.) What type of routers are you using? (manufacturer and model? b.) How many routers do you have? c.) What type of hosts are sending traffic? d.) How many DECNET Phase 5 hosts do you have? 3.) Do you currently attach one or more OSI vendor company to your network? Do any of these companies send OSI traffic across the network? If so, 3.1) How many OSI companies are attached to your network? 3.2) How many of these OSI companies send application data regularly? 3.3) What are the companies attached to your network? 3.4) What applications are these companies using? It would be helpful to list the applications by company if that is possible. 3.5) Would any of these companies be interested in "Pilot" projects to try exchanging OSI applications with those people on the Internet. 4.) Do you support OSI applications at your network site? If so, 4.1) What applications do you support? Do you support: X.500 X.400 FTAM VT Xwindows SQL based applications CMIP (please answer yes or no to each applications) others - please list with company 4.2) For each of the applications you answered yes to above please indicate: a.) equipment the application runs on b.) does it run over CLNP/TP4 stack or TCP/IP stack c.) what vendor supplies the software d.) any comments on how easy it is to use e.) Is your application based on ISODE? If so what version of ISODE? 4.3) Are you a part of a Pilot Project or testing group for this application? 4.4) Would you be willing to be a part of a Pilot Project or testing group for this application? 4.5) Do you have a set of routers or hosts which could form a "test bed" at your site? 4.6) Would you be willing to allow this test bed (either a short term or long term basis) to join with other test beds at other networks to test out new software in the Internet? 4.6) Would you be willing to have a "test bed" at your site if additional funding for this was available? Would you be willing on either a short term or long term basis to allow 5.) Do you have any of the following network tools on your routers? a.) OSI ping (or echo function) b.) OSI traceroute c.) OSI table dump What routers have these functions? How would you rate the User Interface to these network tools - poor, fair, good, or excellent? 6.) Do you have any of the following network tools on your hosts? a.) OSI ping (or echo function) b.) OSI traceroute c.) OSI table dump What hosts have these functions? How would you rate the User Interface to these network tools - poor, fair, good, or excellent? 7.) If you do not support switching CLNP packets today, a.) Will you need to route DECNET Phase 5 in the future? b.) Will you route CLNP packets if you had clients that required OSI service? c.) Will you route CLNP packets only when IS-IS was supported on all your routers? (please indicate what types of routers you use in your network) d.) Will you need network tools (that supported an osi ping, osi traceroute, and osi routing table dump) to support CLNP in your network? e.) Will you require both clients and IS-IS supported on all your routers (b and c above) f.) Will you require that you have OSI clients, IS-IS on all your routers, and OSI network tools (b, c and d above) Please answer yes or no to items a thru e. Additional comments are also welcome. 8.) If you do not currently use an OSI application at your site, please answer the following: 8.1) Would you be interested in X.500? In X.500 over TCP/IP? In X.500 over CLNP? 8.2) Would you be interested in X.400? in X.400 over TCP/IP? In X.400 over CLNP? 8.3) Would you be interested in FTAM over ISO Transport Class 4 (TP4) and CLNP? 8.4) Would you be interested in FTAM over ISO transport Class 0 (TP0) and X.25? 8.5) Would be interested in VT over TP and CLNP? 8.6) Would you be interested in trying out TCP over CLNP? 8.7) Would you be interested in trying out X-windows over CLNP?
participants (1)