IP at conference Announcement, relates to security

Here it's a conference announcement for the "Convention UNIX 92" having an Internet access for some visitors under control. Please notify me ASAP of any missing information relevant to the security of the network. Feel free to forward the message to other persons. Thanks for your cooperation and patience Annie Renard Fnet/INRIA-Rocquencourt, France Email: fr-domain-admin@corton.inria.fr Phone: +33 1 39 63 55 92 Fax: +33 1 39 63 53 30 *********************************************************************** ---- Conference Announcement ---- Convention UNIX 1992 -------------------- The "Convention UNIX" will be held between the 24th and the 27th of March 1992, IP connectivity is available for this conference to attendants. This conference is hosted in Paris and is organized by AFUU (Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'Unix et des Systemes Ouverts) jointly by BIRP (Bureau International de Relations Publiques). Responsible Organization for the event: AFUU 11 rue Carnot F-94270 Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France BIRP 25 rue d'Astorg F-75008 Paris, France Responsible Person: Name: Mr Sylvain Langlois (AFUU) Email: Sylvain.Langlois@der.edf.fr Phone: +33 1 47 65 44 02 Fax: +33 1 47 65 30 01 Physical location of the event: CNIT Paris la Defense Hall Pierre et Marie Curie Name: Mr Milan Sterba Email: sterba@ba.expo.fr or sterba@fnet2g.expo.fr Phone: +33 1 46 92 18 01 Name: Mr Roland Dirlewanger Email: dirlewan@ba.expo.fr Phone: +33 1 46 92 18 01 Subject of the event: The Interoperability. Awareness ========= The responsible person of the organizaton listed above is aware and has aggreed to the 'NSFnet Acceptable Usage Policy', to the 'EUnet Policy Guidelines' and to the 'Internet Security Guidelines'. The person understand that any violation to these policies could result in a immediate disconnection from Fnet backbone (EUnet in France) through which they get access to the Internet. Particularly, connected hosts will not be left unattended (users' access forbidden without being seen by responsible parties). Network used ============ Network Number: Network Name: FNET-EXPO Domain Name: expo.fr AS Number to NSFnet: 1238 / 701 Technical Coordinator: Name: Yves Devillers Email: Yves.Devillers@inria.fr Phone: +33 1 39 63 55 96 Responsible Organization for the Network: FNET for conferences c/o INRIA-Rocquencourt, France ***********************************************************************
participants (1)
Annie Renard