[feldman@twincreeks.net: NANOG 34: Call for Presentations]

Reminder: program submissions for NANOG 34 are due by Monday, April 4. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask the program committee at nanogpc@nanog.org or the administrative staff at nanog-support@nanog.org. We look forward to hearing from you! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS NANOG 34 May 15-17, 2005 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The North American Network Operators' Group (NANOG) will hold its 34th meeting May 15-17, 2005, in Seattle, Washington. The meeting will be hosted by Switch and Data and held at the Westin Seattle. NANOG conferences provide a forum for information exchange among network operators, engineers, and researchers. Meetings are held three times each year, and include presentations, tutorial sessions, and BOFs. The meetings are informal, with an emphasis on relevance to current engineering practices. NANOG solicits presentations highlighting issues relating to technology already deployed or soon to be deployed in the Internet. Vendors are encouraged to work with operators to present deployment experiences with the vendor's products and interoperability. The community is invited to present talks or tutorials on: - VOIP architectures and deployment - Peering/collocation coordination issues - Security attacks/mitigation, tools, and analysis - Content provider issues - MSO IPTV deployment and operations - Backbone operational case studies - Exchange point technologies and implementation - Non-telco, last-mile technologies (metro/rural, broadband, radio, and optical) - Implementation experience with Ethernet, e.g., TLS, VPLS, Ethernet private line, and VPWS. - Wavelength use by enterprises - Large-scale wireless deployment - Experiences with native IPv6 transport rollout - State of OAM tools for IP and MPLS networks - Options for blackhole and discard routing - BGP/MPLS layer 3 VPNs - Other interesting network technologies Topics for short (10-20 minute) lightning talks will be solicited on-site in Seattle. Researchers are invited to present short (10-minute) summaries of their work for operator feedback. Topics include routing, network performance, statistical measurement and analysis, and protocol development and implementation. Studies presented may be works in progress. Researchers from academia, government, and industry are encouraged to present. How to Present -------------- Submit an abstract and draft slides for the presentation in email to nanog-support@nanog.org. See http://www.nanog.org/presentations.html for submission guidelines. The deadline for abstracts and slides is April 4, 2005. While the majority of speaking slots will be filled by April 4, a limited number of slots may be available after that date for topics that are exceptionally timely, important, or critical to the operations of the Internet. Submissions will be reviewed by the NANOG Program Committee, and presenters will be notified of acceptance by April 18. Final drafts of presentation slides are due by May 4, and final versions May 11.
participants (1)
Steve Feldman