Re: Barracuda Networks is at it again: Any Suggestions as to an Alternative?

I would look into Asatro, they have a solid product and good support. If you want a contact person let me know and I will email you directly. On 4/9/11 11:55 AM, wrote:
Andrew, We use and offer Postini - a front end service. Postini is a anti virus and spam filter, and can spool mail if your circuits are down. Postini is a Google company and works like a charm. If you need more information please contact me offline
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
----- Reply message ----- From: "Andrew Kirch"<> Date: Sat, Apr 9, 2011 10:39 am Subject: Barracuda Networks is at it again: Any Suggestions as to an Alternative? To: "John Palmer (NANOG Acct)"<>,<>
My suggestion isn't _QUITE_ an appliance, but it works very well and I've been exceptionally happy with it. It's a distribution of linux controlled via a web interface that does far more than just mail filtering (at which it is both flexible and adept). Take a look at The hardware requirements shouldn't be too insane, and the rules updates/subscriptions for the various services are all month to month, and not a bucket of insane.
On 4/8/2011 11:51 PM, John Palmer (NANOG Acct) wrote:
OK, its been a year since my Barracuda subscription expired. The unit still stops some spam. I figured that I would go and see what they would do if I tried to renew my subscription EXACTLY one year after it expired. Would their renewal website say "Oh, you are at your anniversary date", and renew me for a year?
No such luck: They want me to PAY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR for which I did NOT receive service and then for the current (upcoming year). Sorry - I don't allow myself to be ripped off like that. Sorry Barracuda - you get no money from me and I'll tell everyone I know about this policy of yours.
I posted an article about this unscrupulous practice on my blog last year at
My question is - does anyone have any suggestions for another e-mail appliance like the Barracuda Spam Firewall that doesn't try to charge their customers for time not used. I should be able to shut off the unit for a year or whatever and simply renew from the point that I re-activate the unit instead of having to pay for back-years that I didn't use.

Thanks to all for your suggestions. We've had several other problems with our Barracuda box as well including the fact that it is very under-powered and that the web interface for admin stuff seems to freeze up and only send partial http responses back after log queries. Think will probably move on to something else and abandon Barracuda Networks. I certainly would warn others away from their products based on my unpleasant experience.
participants (2)
John Palmer (NANOG Acct)