The online DB has been switched to Postgres and the field holding the IP is of type "inet" now. I also added another script to allow single automatic submission: http://seven.alameda.net/~ulf/nimda/addsingle.php?ip=<someIP>&email=<someemail> In addition to the above parameters there are the following possible: logdate=<somelogdate> Usual a string like: 2001/09/19:15:08:10 passwd=<somepassword> If not set this will be empty and you won't be able to edit or delete entries when I bring that function up comment=<Some comment> Like for example: "Added by log2DB script v0.1" -- Regards, Ulf. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204

On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 03:06:10PM -0700, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
The online DB has been switched to Postgres and the field holding the IP is of type "inet" now.
I also added another script to allow single automatic submission:
In addition to the above parameters there are the following possible:
logdate=<somelogdate> Usual a string like: 2001/09/19:15:08:10 passwd=<somepassword> If not set this will be empty and you won't be able to edit or delete entries when I bring that function up comment=<Some comment> Like for example: "Added by log2DB script v0.1"
-- Regards, Ulf.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
Also finished searching by CIDR now. Main page has a new button. You can enter things like: 64.81 (would become 64.81/19 (would become etc. -- Regards, Ulf. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204

Also finished searching by CIDR now. Main page has a new button. You can enter things like:
64.81 (would become 64.81/19 (would become
thanks for the work you've put in on this, Ulf - much appreciated by those who are being hammered by this thing. -- Scott Francis darkuncle@ [home:] d a r k u n c l e . n e t Systems/Network Manager sfrancis@ [work:] t o n o s . c o m UNIX | IP networks | security | sysadmin | caffeine | BOFH | general geekery GPG public key 0xCB33CCA7 illum oportet crescere me autem minui

On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
The online DB has been switched to Postgres and the field holding the IP is of type "inet" now.
I also added another script to allow single automatic submission:
In addition to the above parameters there are the following possible:
logdate=<somelogdate> Usual a string like: 2001/09/19:15:08:10
passwd=<somepassword> If not set this will be empty and you won't be able to edit or delete entries when I bring that function up comment=<Some comment> Like for example: "Added by log2DB script v0.1"
-- Internet Vision Internet Consultancy Tel: 020 7589 4500 60 Albert Court & Web development Fax: 020 7589 4522 Prince Consort Road vision@ivision.co.uk London SW7 2BE http://www.ivision.co.uk/

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 08:04:09PM +0100, Jasper Wallace wrote:
On Wed, 19 Sep 2001, Ulf Zimmermann wrote:
The online DB has been switched to Postgres and the field holding the IP is of type "inet" now.
I also added another script to allow single automatic submission:
In addition to the above parameters there are the following possible:
logdate=<somelogdate> Usual a string like: 2001/09/19:15:08:10
Sorry, the example wasn't complete: logdate=<somelogdate> Example: logdate='2001/09/19:15:08:10 -0700'
passwd=<somepassword> If not set this will be empty and you won't be able to edit or delete entries when I bring that function up comment=<Some comment> Like for example: "Added by log2DB script v0.1"
-- Internet Vision Internet Consultancy Tel: 020 7589 4500 60 Albert Court & Web development Fax: 020 7589 4522 Prince Consort Road vision@ivision.co.uk London SW7 2BE http://www.ivision.co.uk/
-- Regards, Ulf. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-865-0204
participants (3)
Jasper Wallace
Scott Francis
Ulf Zimmermann