Re: [Full-disclosure] <Cisco Message> Mike Lynn's controversial Cisco Security Presentation

On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:11:57 CDT, Russell Smoak said:
These recipients received an email from Austin Mckinley as Cisco Systems.
This messasge was sent in complete error and includes intellectual property of ISS and Cisco Systems. Please delete and do not distrbute the information any further.
Unfortunately, there has been a temporal discontinuity between the departure of the quadrupeds and the closing of the barn doors. There's only two ways to *effectively* deal with this one: a) Commence massive neural wipes of anybody who *might* have seen it. b) Obtain *and* *enforce* a permanent injunction banning anybody who's already seen it from meeting anybody who hasn't seen it in any establishment that serves Guiness. deCSS, anybody? ;)
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