ARIN Governance - Seeking Nominations for the ARIN Board, AC, and NRO NC

NANOGers - There are only a few days left to nominate folks for election to the the ARIN Board of Trustees, the ARIN Advisory Council (AC), or on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council. Please see the attached message for details, and move promptly to nominate if you are aware of anyone who would do a good job serving the community in such a capacity. Thank you! /John John Curran President and CEO ARIN Begin forwarded message: From: ARIN <<>> Subject: [arin-announce] Seeking Nominations: Board, AC, and NRO NC Date: August 28, 2012 11:23:24 AM EDT To: <<>> General Members in good standing are invited to nominate candidates for two (2) seats on the Board of Trustees (Board), five (5) seats on the Advisory Council (AC), and one (1) seat on the Number Resource Organization (NRO) Number Council that become open when current terms expire on 31 December 2012. The Board of Trustees and Advisory Council elections have a Nomination Committee (NomCom) that is responsible for identifying, recruiting, and certifying a properly selected slate of candidates to be placed in nomination before the membership for election. This year's NomCom members are: Board of Trustee members Timothy Denton and Scott Bradner, Advisory Council members Chris Grundemann and Kevin Blumberg, and general member volunteers Stephen Middleton, Justin Clutter, and Peter Rocca. Timothy Denton is serving as NomCom Chair. New Board and Advisory Council terms begin 1 January 2013. Board members Paul Andersen and Scott Bradner, and Advisory Council representatives Stacy Hughes, Chris Morrow, Bill Sandiford, Robert Seastrom, and Heather Schiller will conclude their current terms on 31 December 2012. Louie Lee’s seat for the NRO NC also becomes open this year. Incumbents may be re-elected for consecutive terms. Please note: 1. You must be a Trustee or an ARIN General Member in good standing to make nominations for the Board and AC. However, those nominated do not need to be ARIN members. Self-nominations from General Members in good standing are permitted. Any individual, regardless of ARIN membership status, may nominate one or more candidates for any open NRO Number Council position. Please review the nomination instructions at: 2. All nominees must confirm that they qualify to serve and do not violate the Nomination and Appointment Conflict of Interest List at: 3. Nominations must be received by 17:00 ET on Tuesday, 4 September 2012. In accordance with ARIN's Bylaws, each Trustee or General Member in good standing may make up to three nominations for each open seat for the Board and AC. 4. Each nominee must submit the relevant nominee questionnaire by 6 September in order to run for a position they are available at: Board and AC: NRO NC: If you are interested in nominating yourself or any other individual to become a member of the Board, AC, or NRO NC, visit ARIN Election Headquarters to fill out the nomination form: ARIN will contact all nominees via email and/or telephone to verify that they are willing and able to fulfill a three-year term. If ARIN cannot reach the nominee, the nomination will be rejected. You may view the initial requirements and responsibilities of Board Members at: The Advisory Council requirements and responsibilities are available at: The NRO NC requirements and responsibilities can be viewed at: Visit Election Headquarters to view the qualifications for Board of Trustees and Advisory Council positions and for further information regarding the election process and timeline. Now is also a good time for member organizations to check to make certain that they have a Designated Member Representative (DMR) eligible to vote in the upcoming election. Direct any questions to<>. Regards, Communications and Member Services American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN)
participants (1)
John Curran