Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?

Subject: what can be done with botnet C&C's?
"I work on this [C&C] for 30 days, only to find out one of you took it down." -- US Federal Agent, two days ago, ISOI (DA Workshop).
Oddly agents have resources right in front of them to assist them (CALEA, and other totalitarian laws) and yet they fail to use these resources properly only optioning to promote newer and even more stupider laws.
And still, sticking to networking issues, as obviously we cannot yet depend on law enforcement to protect our networks for us, how do we handle C&C's?
Where in the rule book does it state that LEA's are here to protect any network. I say it begins with the CSO's, managers, engineers (both network and security engineers.) Bear in mind cross juridstiction across international boundaries.
When we kill them (and by "kill" I naturally mean "report our suspicion to the responsible authority so they can investigate, confirm and proceed according to their AUP") we kill them, but only to our knowledge. They immediately move elsewhere we do not know about in our space or someone else's, maybe misplacing an extremely smallish percentage of their population while they are at it.
Let's be realistic about this. Most providers in the US at least have some form of CALEA capabilities which can monitor what is coming from where in order to filter networks.
Okay, say I am right... What *can* we do?
Re-write AUP's from the ISP level blocking out and allowing out on a needed basis. For those BOTNETS utilizing IRC, they'll be nipped at the bud, for those in these networks truly utilizing IRC and other similar venues, an ISP could either set up their own server and link to other servers, or the IRC user themselves are almost always smart enough to figure out how to jump on an IRC server.
We can take advantage: 1. QoS and traffic limiting tools. Many tools created in recent years, and used exstensively by many ISP's, regardless of any Net Neutrality legislation, are at our disposal and already implemented on our networks.
QoS is a joke. The problem with QoS is a configuration issue. How many networks are still allowing broadcasts (Smurf). What makes one think that if they can't configure simple RFC filtering and containment of broadcast, they'd be able/capable/willing to configure QoS. Outside of this, the biggest argument will be a "not in my backyard" issue of "why are you filtering our traffic."
Much like, for business reasons, many of us would limit P2P, how about limiting the traffic to compromised users?
How, what and when is up to you.
Laziness. Come on now, and by the way greeting Gadi, you should know offhand the slack that comes from lazy admins unwilling to do squat but read this in the background and continue eating ho-ho's and donuts.
Watch the flows, block the users from communicating out to them. Watch these users and see where else they are communicating in comparison to other users, en-masse.
Breaking laws here if you ask me. Watching flows. Isn't this an illegal wiretap.
4. Stop internal network infections. It is unbelievable how the networks with the most bots are the networks that allow internal users to connect wherever they want within the network.
Re-read my lazy admin donut syndrome.
My answer is this, if you fail to remove a spy, as another would just take his place, wouldn't you rather know where that spy is and work to take him down for good?
One thing that will end up happening as is evident is, you will end up creating a smarter and smarter botnet. Filter from here, they move, filter this port, they jump. Most network admins know how to entirely block these things but they don't. How about a completely new approach via AUP. "Welcome to Foofoo Network's your ISP. We allow SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IM." Period. No need to keep the other 65531 ports open.
Do you know who your local fed is?
Definitely not on Clue Avenue. If they were there would be no need to try and impose LawB atop LawA which never worked in the first place.
I would like to hear some opinions on what networks can do, ecnomically, from people here. Please stick to network operations issues.
Here is my opinion... Responsibility on both ends. For the user and the provider. The One-Two punch 1) For an ISP something like Campus Manager would work wonders ( Configured in the background it can take machines and shove them into a non useable VLAN until they get their act together. 2) Client breaching Terms of Service agreements? Hold them accountable. Users are responsible for their own machines: <analogy> UserA buys a gun and keeps it in his house. UserA does not buy a safe or take necessary precautions to safeguard his gun. LuzerB uses that gun for a crime. LuzerC (UserA's son or daughter brings it to show and tell) LuzerD (UserA's neighbor blows his brain out via Russian Roulette) </analogy> In all of these instances UserA would still have to answer for not taking the necessary precautions. Why not implement the same procedures when signing up a new user via TOS agreements. I'm sure more people would be reluctant to just close their eyes after one warning followed by them having to pay for not taking precautions. Sure, argue about the clueless ones who don't know who to tie their shoes. 1) Would make them more aware. 2) Would make networks safer since their is accountability. My two cents for the moment. -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo sil infiltrated . net "How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey ----- End forwarded message ----- -- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo sil infiltrated . net "How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey

Ive been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for todays network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions and agents couldnt do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation. So what makes you think that agents are of any help in todays world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more.. In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISPs. I realize that most isps cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them. Unfortunately, we dont live in a perfect world and most isps hate sharing any information I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong -Payam
Subject: what can be done with botnet C&C's?
"I work on this [C&C] for 30 days, only to find out one of you took it down." -- US Federal Agent, two days ago, ISOI (DA Workshop).
Oddly agents have resources right in front of them to assist them (CALEA, and other totalitarian laws) and yet they fail to use these resources properly only optioning to promote newer and even more stupider laws.
And still, sticking to networking issues, as obviously we cannot yet depend on law enforcement to protect our networks for us, how do we handle C&C's?
Where in the rule book does it state that LEA's are here to protect any network. I say it begins with the CSO's, managers, engineers (both network and security engineers.) Bear in mind cross juridstiction across international boundaries.
When we kill them (and by "kill" I naturally mean "report our suspicion to the responsible authority so they can investigate, confirm and proceed according to their AUP") we kill them, but only to our knowledge. They immediately move elsewhere we do not know about in our space or someone else's, maybe misplacing an extremely smallish percentage of their population while they are at it.
Let's be realistic about this. Most providers in the US at least have some form of CALEA capabilities which can monitor what is coming from where in order to filter networks.
Okay, say I am right... What *can* we do?
Re-write AUP's from the ISP level blocking out and allowing out on a needed basis. For those BOTNETS utilizing IRC, they'll be nipped at the bud, for those in these networks truly utilizing IRC and other similar venues, an ISP could either set up their own server and link to other servers, or the IRC user themselves are almost always smart enough to figure out how to jump on an IRC server.
We can take advantage: 1. QoS and traffic limiting tools. Many tools created in recent years, and used exstensively by many ISP's, regardless of any Net Neutrality legislation, are at our disposal and already implemented on our networks.
QoS is a joke. The problem with QoS is a configuration issue. How many networks are still allowing broadcasts (Smurf). What makes one think that if they can't configure simple RFC filtering and containment of broadcast, they'd be able/capable/willing to configure QoS. Outside of this, the biggest argument will be a "not in my backyard" issue of "why are you filtering our traffic."
Much like, for business reasons, many of us would limit P2P, how about limiting the traffic to compromised users?
How, what and when is up to you.
Laziness. Come on now, and by the way greeting Gadi, you should know offhand the slack that comes from lazy admins unwilling to do squat but read this in the background and continue eating ho-ho's and donuts.
Watch the flows, block the users from communicating out to them. Watch these users and see where else they are communicating in comparison to other users, en-masse.
Breaking laws here if you ask me. Watching flows. Isn't this an illegal wiretap.
4. Stop internal network infections. It is unbelievable how the networks with the most bots are the networks that allow internal users to connect wherever they want within the network.
Re-read my lazy admin donut syndrome.
My answer is this, if you fail to remove a spy, as another would just take his place, wouldn't you rather know where that spy is and work to take him down for good?
One thing that will end up happening as is evident is, you will end up creating a smarter and smarter botnet. Filter from here, they move, filter this port, they jump. Most network admins know how to entirely block these things but they don't. How about a completely new approach via AUP. "Welcome to Foofoo Network's your ISP. We allow SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, IM." Period. No need to keep the other 65531 ports open.
Do you know who your local fed is?
Definitely not on Clue Avenue. If they were there would be no need to try and impose LawB atop LawA which never worked in the first place.
I would like to hear some opinions on what networks can do, ecnomically, from people here. Please stick to network operations issues.
Here is my opinion... Responsibility on both ends. For the user and the provider.
The One-Two punch
1) For an ISP something like Campus Manager would work wonders ( Configured in the background it can take machines and shove them into a non useable VLAN until they get their act together.
2) Client breaching Terms of Service agreements? Hold them accountable.
Users are responsible for their own machines:
<analogy> UserA buys a gun and keeps it in his house.
UserA does not buy a safe or take necessary precautions to safeguard his gun.
LuzerB uses that gun for a crime.
LuzerC (UserA's son or daughter brings it to show and tell)
LuzerD (UserA's neighbor blows his brain out via Russian Roulette) </analogy>
In all of these instances UserA would still have to answer for not taking the necessary precautions. Why not implement the same procedures when signing up a new user via TOS agreements. I'm sure more people would be reluctant to just close their eyes after one warning followed by them having to pay for not taking precautions.
Sure, argue about the clueless ones who don't know who to tie their shoes. 1) Would make them more aware. 2) Would make networks safer since their is accountability.
My two cents for the moment.
-- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo sil infiltrated . net
"How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey
----- End forwarded message -----
-- =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ J. Oquendo sil infiltrated . net
"How a man plays the game shows something of his character - how he loses shows all" - Mr. Luckey
-- -- Payam Tarverdyan Chychi Network Analyst

I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :) All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.) The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface. Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature. Cheers. -Michael -- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516 Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I’ve been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today’s network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example … as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing… so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions… and agents couldn’t do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today’s world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP’s. I realize that most isp’s cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network… then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world and most isp’s hate sharing any information… I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network…
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong…

Though placing a /32 to a discarded interface helps the situation, you are now fully disabling your client that uses the /32... I do agree that it definitely helps the situation... specially when the attack is a few mil pps or perhaps even few gigs/sec in which case a customer /32 or bigger being down is about 100x better then your network being down. so my question is then how do you use the same method for your peering sessions (assuming you do peering on a private or public level)... seeing how 95% of peers will not allow such specific entries such as /32 into their tables... so in case of an attack you are left with either having to take down the peering session or stop advertising the prefix though that peer. Just curious as to how you go about it... cheers, -Payam
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
Ive been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for todays network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions and agents couldnt do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in todays world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISPs. I realize that most isps cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we dont live in a perfect world and most isps hate sharing any information I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong
-- -- Payam Tarverdyan Chychi Network Analyst

Most major carriers have some way of communicating with them for this purpose. Level(3) uses BGP community 9999 for a peer of theirs to issue /32 routes to their black hole router. Global Crossing uses an eBGP multi-hop peer for these types of advertisements and others have their mechanisms as well. On the flip side, through route-maps you could setup a community for your customers to advertise to you traffic they wish to null, of course you must take great care when doing this as to not allow something that could really screw your network. In our network, all of our /32 nulls have a tag applied from our black hole router, which gets propagated via OSPF then eventually gets handed off to our peers using either a community or multi-hop neighbor. --- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Payam Tarverdyan Chychi Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:24 PM To: Michael Nicks Cc: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? Though placing a /32 to a discarded interface helps the situation, you are now fully disabling your client that uses the /32... I do agree that it definitely helps the situation... specially when the attack is a few mil pps or perhaps even few gigs/sec in which case a customer /32 or bigger. being down is about 100x better then your network being down. so my question is then how do you use the same method for your peering sessions (assuming you do peering on a private or public level)... seeing how 95% of peers will not allow such specific entries such as /32 into their tables... so in case of an attack you are left with either having to take down the peering session or stop advertising the prefix though that peer. Just curious as to how you go about it... cheers, -Payam
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
-- -- Payam Tarverdyan Chychi Network Analyst

On Sun, 13 Aug 2006, Michael Nicks wrote:
attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.)
reference TIDP ... which is like (sort of) Flow-Spec, only not piggybacked upon BGP and with possibly some extra functionality wrt 'doing the right thing' on each platform in question. Also, TIDP doesn't have to be tied to a device that runs a routing protocol...
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
reference TIDP and FlowSpec (if you have 'discard interface' you already have flow-spec)

I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue. --- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :) All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.) The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface. Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature. Cheers. -Michael -- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516 Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
Hi Jordan, I am very happy to see Sago changing from one of the worst nets on the net when it comes to botnets to being, apparently, one of the most pro-active. That said, when I last checked (a week ago) you had 4 botnet C&C's still open and active on your AS. As always, you and anyone else here can email us directly for the information on your network. Gadi.
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Thanks for the info. I will pass this to our abuse department to get rid of those. We are still tweaking our system and is only about 90% deployed, but after all of the efforts to deploy the system, it should pay-off many many times over. Thanks again, Jordan -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Gadi Evron Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:37 PM To: Jordan Medlen Cc: Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
Hi Jordan, I am very happy to see Sago changing from one of the worst nets on the net when it comes to botnets to being, apparently, one of the most pro-active. That said, when I last checked (a week ago) you had 4 botnet C&C's still open and active on your AS. As always, you and anyone else here can email us directly for the information on your network. Gadi.
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between
one another is a completely separate thing.
(New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 13:55:36 EDT, Jordan Medlen said:
Thanks for the info. I will pass this to our abuse department to get rid of those. We are still tweaking our system and is only about 90% deployed, but after all of the efforts to deploy the system, it should pay-off many many times over.
Something that would probably help a *lot* (and get some publicity for yourself and your shop while you're at it :) is to do up a short presentation or paper discussing what the total aggregate payoff ends up being. Being able to point at "This company spent $yyyK doing X, Y and Z, and achieved a total net savings of $x.xM/year" is quite useful when trying to explain to other sites why they should clean up their networks....

Good point. At this time, we are not yet at completion as stated, but something that could be done for the benefit of others once we have completed the install and taken into account the amount spent vs. gained as you stated. I will look to getting something to everyone once our experience is complete. Thanks, Jordan -----Original Message----- From: [] Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 3:10 PM To: Cc: 'Gadi Evron'; Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? On Thu, 17 Aug 2006 13:55:36 EDT, Jordan Medlen said:
Thanks for the info. I will pass this to our abuse department to get rid of those. We are still tweaking our system and is only about 90% deployed, but after all of the efforts to deploy the system, it should pay-off many many times over.
Something that would probably help a *lot* (and get some publicity for yourself and your shop while you're at it :) is to do up a short presentation or paper discussing what the total aggregate payoff ends up being. Being able to point at "This company spent $yyyK doing X, Y and Z, and achieved a total net savings of $x.xM/year" is quite useful when trying to explain to other sites why they should clean up their networks....

Gadi, I am unable to find the list in the archives or my email client. Can you send me anything that you have so I can get it taken care of? Thanks, Jordan -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Gadi Evron Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:37 PM To: Jordan Medlen Cc: Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
Hi Jordan, I am very happy to see Sago changing from one of the worst nets on the net when it comes to botnets to being, apparently, one of the most pro-active. That said, when I last checked (a week ago) you had 4 botnet C&C's still open and active on your AS. As always, you and anyone else here can email us directly for the information on your network. Gadi.
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between
one another is a completely separate thing.
(New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I am unable to find the list in the archives or my email client. Can you send me anything that you have so I can get it taken care of?
Of course. Gadi.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Gadi Evron Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:37 PM To: Jordan Medlen Cc: Subject: RE: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
Hi Jordan, I am very happy to see Sago changing from one of the worst nets on the net when it comes to botnets to being, apparently, one of the most pro-active.
That said, when I last checked (a week ago) you had 4 botnet C&C's still open and active on your AS.
As always, you and anyone else here can email us directly for the information on your network.
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between
one another is a completely separate thing.
(New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 in-line: Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
One thing would be nice (maybe a wish-list) if snortsam could send an e-mail notification (similar to other proactive tools) rather than pushing for ACL change which could possibly break something due to FP. This could lead to a headless chicken syndrome scenario. Also where I come from, we cannot implement change(s) to any P1/P2 (business critical) devices w/o a change management request except for emergencies. regards, /virendra
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between one another is a completely separate thing. (New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iD8DBQFE5LdspbZvCIJx1bcRAk04AJ9bsdHfeGY/8bo+CFFyPCNBIYLAxwCaAqv/ 0v8mDACXHUBiSQAtBgZ0p0g= =yOnO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Snort itself can be configured to send email notifications without the snortsam add-on. Snortsam does have a "do-not-block" list as well so that certain hosts are never blocked. This is useful for our NOC staff since we continually run tests such as nmap towards our customer's servers that would otherwise have our NOC IP space blocked. -Jordan -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of virendra rode // Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:38 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's? -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 in-line: Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
One thing would be nice (maybe a wish-list) if snortsam could send an e-mail notification (similar to other proactive tools) rather than pushing for ACL change which could possibly break something due to FP. This could lead to a headless chicken syndrome scenario. Also where I come from, we cannot implement change(s) to any P1/P2 (business critical) devices w/o a change management request except for emergencies. regards, /virendra
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Michael Nicks Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: [Full-disclosure] what can be done with botnet C&C's?
I hate to stir the flames again, but this idea sounds a lot like RBLs. :)
All kidding aside, I'm curious as to when we will reach the point where the devices of our networks will be able to share information regarding sporadic bursts or predefined traffic patterns in network traffic within a certain time frame, determine it is a related outgoing (or incoming) attack, and mitigate/stop the traffic. I think it certainly is possible to accomplish this on a per-router level, but being able to have the devices communicate and share information between
one another is a completely separate thing.
(New protocol perhaps.)
The only real method that I really have in my toolkit to stop incoming DDoS on a AS-wide perspective is originating a /32 within an AS with a next-hop of a discard interface.
Something similar to that nature but more flexible and designed for the sole purpose of preventing/stopping abuse would be a very nice feature.
Cheers. -Michael
-- Michael Nicks Network Engineer KanREN e: o: +1-785-856-9800 x221 m: +1-913-378-6516
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi wrote:
I've been reading on this subject for the last several weeks and it seems as if everyone just like to come up with out of the box ideas that are not realistic for today's network environments
J.Oquendo, thanks for the Smurf example . as there are still admins/engineers at large networks that have no clue as to what they are doing. so QoS is for sure out of the question.. at least at this time.
Depending on agents to take actions and protecting our networks is even a bigger joke. Back in late 90s where kiddies were using the simplest types of C&C, open wide irc networks with visible Channels and no encryptions. and agents couldn't do anything unless the attack was big enough to take down Amazon, yahoo, Microsoft or some other major provider with enough $$$ to start an investigation.
So what makes you think that agents are of any help in today's world where c&c have gotten so much more sophisticated, use backup private servers, encryption, tunneling and much much more..
In my opinion, the only way to really start cracking down on c&c and put an end to it is the cooperation of major ISP's. I realize that most isp's cant/wont setup a security team to just investigate c&c / attacks (would this really fall under the Abuse team?) but perhaps If all major networks worked together and created a active db list of c&c found either on their networks or attacking ones network. then it would be much much easier to trace back c&c and dispose of them.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and most isp's hate sharing any information. I guess its better for them to have a bigger ego than a safer / more stable network.
Please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iD8DBQFE5LdspbZvCIJx1bcRAk04AJ9bsdHfeGY/8bo+CFFyPCNBIYLAxwCaAqv/ 0v8mDACXHUBiSQAtBgZ0p0g= =yOnO -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Thu, 17 Aug 2006, Jordan Medlen wrote:
I'm sure most people on this list have heard of or use snort. There is an add-on package called snortsam. This package allows automation of blocking traffic deemed malicious via a null route statement or ACL statement. We have been in the process over the last month of implementing this on our network with much success. I think the only problem that we have had with it thus far is underestimating just how well it was actually going to work. As with any snort implementation, it takes time to tweak and tune the rule sets, however we have managed to kill a huge amount of traffic either coming from our customers or destined to our customers. While this is not a perfect system, it is much better than idly sitting there and letting the abuse continue.
--- Jordan Medlen Chief Technology Officer and Architect Sago Networks
Is this the kind of thing that could get a boost from projects like ThreatNet ( I've been peripherally involved with the project, mostly in chasing conceptual issues and hammering out the trust relationship details, in addition to being an rabid, er, avid developer of network management tools, right down to near-real time log analyzers. I think that if you're to a point that you trust your tools enough to make an informed decision and automate your null routes, why not expand on that and use the same networked intelligence the C&C's embody? - billn

On Sun, 13 Aug 2006 10:44:03 CDT, "J. Oquendo" said:
Watch the flows, block the users from communicating out to them. Watch these users and see where else they are communicating in comparison to other users, en-masse.
Breaking laws here if you ask me. Watching flows. Isn't this an illegal wiretap.
IANAL, so ask somebody who is if the answer matters... but by my reading of 18 USC 2511 (2)(a)(1) says you're off the hook on that one, for the cases that a NANOG reader would care about: "it shall not be unlawful under this chapter for an operator of a switchboard, or an officer, employee, or agent of a provider of wire or electronic communication service, whose facilities are used in the transmission of a wire or electronic communication, to intercept, disclose, or use that communication in the normal course of his employment while engaged in any activity which is a necessary incident to the rendition of his service or to the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that service, except that a provider of wire communication service to the public shall not utilize service observing or random monitoring except for mechanical or service quality control checks." I read the last few lines as saying "It's not OK to go targeting Joe Sixpack's flows, but it *is* OK to run an IDS or similar system that triggers whenever an DDoS or other similar "detrimental to your service quality" event happens. You're allowed to protect your network, and you're allowed to do monitoring for "service quality control". I however *also* read that as meaning that once you've identified a specific customer, you need to be careful to *only* target data that's identifiable as being an service quality issue - if it's doing DDoS stuff on port 7703, that doesn't extent to their SMTP traffic. (Of course, if they're also spewing spam at line speed at the same time, that's another story...)
participants (9)
Christopher L. Morrow
Gadi Evron
J. Oquendo
Jordan Medlen
Michael Nicks
Payam Tarverdyan Chychi
virendra rode //