Re: Cloudflare, dirty networks and politricks

On 2016-08-01 13:20, Baldur Norddahl wrote:
On 2016-07-31 05:46, Randy Bush wrote:
This is silly. Anyone is of course allowed to deny service to parties involved in obvious criminal activity. so block cloudflare from your network and go back to work already.
randy .... I do believe that most of us on this list have cause to do that civil lawsuit, especially if it was done as a class action. But I just own a small company that is not even based in the US, so I am not going to be the hero that funds it. Instead I will do what I can to warn everyone off this company.
Baldur I think even you will win in court
Russian government since a while implemented country-wide blocklist. It is transparent and available online, and there is a lot of cloudflare ip's ( First i thought, again Putin's regime crack on freedom, but after viewing specific cloudflare subnet as example ( i can say, major part of websites are online gambling, and many of them have court decisions. There is also some ISIL propaganda, questionable nudes of underage (they pretend to be art), drug dealers forums (all in russian language) and etc. As far as i know russians send first abuse letter, and if such content is not removed in reasonable terms - they block resource on "russian firewall". And i believe ignorance hurts cloudflare business in Russia, but do they care? I may understand much more proper position of google, for example if they receive court order from Russia - they block this particular content in Russia only. But they wont back on their position on free speech. And they are able to clearly draw a line between free speech and criminals. Ok, let's say on booters no court decision and it is gray area. But providing connectivity for terrorists propaganda or very questionable content - beyond my understanding. Sure i leave chance that they didn't received notification from officials, but at least now they are aware about this.
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