Re: Provider credibility - does it matter? was Re: Inter-provider relations

From: (Jakob Faarvang) To: "Alex.Bligh" <>,, Subject: Re: Provider credibility - does it matter? was Re: Inter-provider relations Date: Sun, 27 Oct 1996 14:42:43 GMT Organization: References: <> Sender:
On Sun, 27 Oct 1996 11:11:10 +0000, you wrote:
I don't think this is correct. Ebone peers with other pan-european networks of comparable size, IBM, BT and EUnet comes to my mind.
In fact, last time I heard, EBONE and EUnet's peering policy bore an uncanny resemblence to those of Sprint & MCI (albeit bandwidth scaled).
From Ebone's own pages, BT is listed as a customer to Ebone, and it is said the IBM and EUnet have transit agreements with Ebone. I can't find any direct text stating Ebone's peering policies, but on the Amsterdam IX page ( the following is said:
Policy: Does generally not peer except with other larger ISPs after negotions. Become a member and we'll peer with you!
- Jakob Faarvang
IBM Global Network peers with EBONE. We do not get or buy transit from EBONE. The EBONE home pages (last time I checked) did not provide enough information to crisply tell who were members and who were peering partners. To peer, you must connect with EBONE at three places at E-1 speed as a minumum. Web pages for EBONE are at ( and say this if you read carefully. (I think they do...) Members get transit. That is what being a member of EBONE is about and how the EBONE backbone provides value to its members (members can be thought of in terms of a customer). It is a model that works well in Europe and provides for all ISP's to join. Fees that support the EBONE backbone are based on the members access to the EBONE backbone line speed. Bill Cessna Bill Cessna, IBM Global Network, Network Architecture Internet: Internal: IPNET(WCESSNA) Voice: +1-813-878-3947 Fax: +1-813-878-4250
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Bill Cessna