Re: FW: Seeking MAE-East Service for foreign ISPs.. (fwd)

Winfred: CAIS hosts many customers like this. Most are from other countries. However, we also have some from other regions of the United States. I will be glad to work with you on this ( I'm the Engineer that supports the Sales Staff at CAIS). Please send an email to detailing what exactly you would like to do. We have POPs at MAE East, MAE West, Chicago, New York and the Palo Alto IX (DIX, Palo Alto CA). Our NOC is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week, References are available from customers who have this service already. Be sure to stop in if you are in the States! Regards, Mark Dezagottis --------------------------------- CAIS Internet 6861 Elm Street McLean, VA 22101 USA Voice 703-448-4470 x 417 Fax 703-790-8805
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 14:45:59 +0100 (CET) From: Winfried Haug <> To: Subject: Seeking MAE-East Service for foreign ISPs..
we are going to establish a mae-east link from germany. Since it is a little bit difficult due to the physical difference to do router-baby-sitting etc :-) we are looking for companies offering this service:
-setup a cisco box at mae-east -help to recover a lost or crashed router within a certain period (2-4 hrs).
Could anyone give us some tips who is offering such a service. In order to prevent ADs on this list, you could also mail me ( if you dont prefer to answer on this list
Winfried Haug
--- Winfried Haug | SEICOM.DE & SCHWABEN.DE | Tel. +49 7121 9770- 0 Laiblinsplatz 12 | Internet+ISDN access & consulting | Fax. +49 7121 9770-19 72793 Pfullingen | Access in STGT + RT + TUE + BB + LB | Rack +49 7127 989-X| 150*ISDN (64kb/X.75) / 100 * K56flex | Rack +49 711 9675-X |SAP-OSS * FTP * TELNET * NETNEWS * IRC | Rack +49 7121 709-X * 10 MBit DE-CIX * 2 MBit INXS * 3 MBit ecrc/ebone * 2 Mbit Belwue * 2 Mbit WIN
participants (1)
Mark Dezagottis