Survey of Bandwidth Services and List Pricing

Dear NANOGers, I would like to understand trends in list-pricing and bandwidth service offerings by various ISPs, as part of an academic study on economic models of ISPs. I have three short questions in this survey. Kindly reply to me directly, and your information will be kept confidential, and will only be published in aggregate form (eg: average list pricing of assured-service bandwidth by tier-2 ISPs etc). Your answers will greatly help our research, and in return we will provide you a copy of our results/papers on this topic. ========================================================================= Questions: 1. Is your ISP a Tier-1, Tier-2 or Tier-3 ISP (or network-service-provider)? 2. What are the bandwidth services your ISP sells ? (eg: leased lines, frame-relay, IP CoS, Diff-serv assured service or others...) 3. What is the list pricing for these services for a median customer ? (feel free to categorize further into small-, medium-, large-, reseller- etc) ======================================================================= Thanks a lot! -Shiv === Shivkumar Kalyanaraman Associate Professor, Dept of ECSE, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) WWW:
participants (1)