pgh. savvis network outtage

as of about 8am, pittsburgh pa fell off of savvis's network. according to the noc guy i talked to, "this is very serious, and has already been escalated to 2nd and 3rd tier..." i asked him what the story was, and he said that it was a hardware failure at the pgh. pop, affecting 100% of the customers wired into that switch. (altho he didn't say specifically that it was a switch that was broken...) btw, its been down since 8am and its now like 1:30pm and they still don't know anything more. i know who (some) of the other UUnet customers are in pgh., but i don't know any savvis ones. hope this information helps someone out. (they don't have network status page either, so you basically have to call to find this out. kudos for them, though, they apparently left voicemail on my office phone...altho my mobile phone is supposed to be the primary number for notifications, but at least they made an attempt.) deeann m.m. mikula director of operations telerama public access internet
participants (1)
deeann mikula