HE.net BGP origin attribute rewriting

Hello, we discovered, that at least Hurricane Electric (HE, AS 6939) does rewrite BGP origin attribute unconditionally in all routes traversing their network. This mandatory, but probably not widely known/used attribute should not be changed by any speaker except originating router (RFC 4271, section 5.1.1). HE rewrites origin for all routes. I tried communicate this issue with HE, but they're not willing change their configuration and respect mentioned RFC document, and they're claiming, that another networks (Level3 was mentioned exactly) does similar thing. In my experience, there're not so many service providers doing that. What's your view on this, do you think, that service providers can simply ignore existing RFCs? With regards, Daniel

On 31/05/2012 11:23, Daniel Suchy wrote:
In my experience, there're not so many service providers doing that.
Plenty of providers do it. IIWY, I would universally rewrite origin at your ingress points to be the same; otherwise you'll find that providers will merely use it as a means of influencing the bgp best path decision algorithm so that they end up with more of your traffic, and can consequently charge you more. There are many useful ways to build a multi-exit discrimination policy. Using origin is not one of them, in my opinion. The problem is that origin is ranked one place higher than MED. So if you don't rewrite it, you are automatically giving your upstreams an inherent means of strongly influencing the tie-breaking policy. If this were an attribute which actually meant something, then maybe there would be some point in paying attention to it, but it conveys no useful information these days. IOW, it is completely pointless these days and you almost certainly want to work the possibility of any upstream tweaking it. Nick

On May 31, 2012, at 7:26 AM, Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org> wrote:
There are many useful ways to build a multi-exit discrimination policy. Using origin is not one of them, in my opinion.
The problem is that origin is ranked one place higher than MED. So if you don't rewrite it, you are automatically giving your upstreams an inherent means of strongly influencing the tie-breaking policy. If this were an attribute which actually meant something, then maybe there would be some point in paying attention to it, but it conveys no useful information these days. IOW, it is completely pointless these days and you almost certainly want to work the possibility of any upstream tweaking it.
I disagree. Origin is tremendously useful as a multi-AS weighting tool, and isn't the blunt hammer that AS_PATH is. The place where I've gotten the most benefit is large internal networks, where there may be multiple MPLS clouds along with sites cascaded off of them - it provides a way of sending "soft" preferences down the transitive chain. Also useful is "set origin egp XX" - on a route injector, that can post-pend an ASN and limit the spread of a route while still allowing the same transitive properties. David Barak Sent from a mobile device, please forgive autocorrection.

I disagree. Origin is tremendously useful as a multi-AS weighting tool, and isn't the blunt hammer that AS_PATH is.
If you think of AS_PATH as a blunt hammer, how would you describe localpref? We use AS_PATH in many cases *precisely* because we don't consider it to be a blunt hammer... Steinar Haug, Nethelp consulting, sthaug@nethelp.no

On May 31, 2012, at 8:03 AM, sthaug@nethelp.no wrote:
I disagree. Origin is tremendously useful as a multi-AS weighting tool, and isn't the blunt hammer that AS_PATH is.
If you think of AS_PATH as a blunt hammer, how would you describe localpref?
We use AS_PATH in many cases *precisely* because we don't consider it to be a blunt hammer...
So you're connected to providers A and B, who in turn connect to C. Additionally, B has customer D. If you set origin E toward B (leaving origin I toward A) you influence C's decision without affecting either B or D, and you ensure that C still learns both routes to you. It's a more subtle nudge than as-path. In general, I prefer routinely using attributes that are further down the algorithm so at the big guns can be saved for when they're needed or for special policy issues. David Barak Sent from a mobile device, please forgive autocorrection.

On 31/05/2012 12:55, David Barak wrote:
I disagree. Origin is tremendously useful as a multi-AS weighting tool, and isn't the blunt hammer that AS_PATH is. The place where I've gotten the most benefit is large internal networks, where there may be multiple MPLS clouds along with sites cascaded off of them - it provides a way of sending "soft" preferences down the transitive chain. Also useful is "set origin egp XX" - on a route injector, that can post-pend an ASN and limit the spread of a route while still allowing the same transitive properties.
We're not talking about the same thing here: configuring a policy to use an interior-generated origin is completely different to depending on what your upstreams configure their announcements to look like. If you don't rewrite your transit providers' origin, then you are telling them that they can directly influence your exit discrimination policy on the basis of a purely advisory flag which has no real meaning. I.e. if one of them tweaks origin to be IGP and another leaves everything set at EGP or incomplete, then the tweaker will end up taking more of your traffic on no basis whatsoever, other than the fact that they bent the rules of what some might consider as pair play. This is broken and harmful. Rewriting the origin on ingress stops this particular line of network abuse. Nick

I have seen providers instruct their upstreams to raise local-pref to hijack traffic. More than a few ISP's rewrite origin though. Personally I only consider it a slightly shady practice. I think the problem with BGP (among other things) is that there is no "blunt hammer". Now that routers have more than 1G of RAM and more than one core it may be time to add some more knobs. 2012/5/31 Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org>
On 31/05/2012 12:55, David Barak wrote:
I disagree. Origin is tremendously useful as a multi-AS weighting tool, and isn't the blunt hammer that AS_PATH is. The place where I've gotten the most benefit is large internal networks, where there may be multiple MPLS clouds along with sites cascaded off of them - it provides a way of sending "soft" preferences down the transitive chain. Also useful is "set origin egp XX" - on a route injector, that can post-pend an ASN and limit the spread of a route while still allowing the same transitive properties.
We're not talking about the same thing here: configuring a policy to use an interior-generated origin is completely different to depending on what your upstreams configure their announcements to look like.
If you don't rewrite your transit providers' origin, then you are telling them that they can directly influence your exit discrimination policy on the basis of a purely advisory flag which has no real meaning. I.e. if one of them tweaks origin to be IGP and another leaves everything set at EGP or incomplete, then the tweaker will end up taking more of your traffic on no basis whatsoever, other than the fact that they bent the rules of what some might consider as pair play. This is broken and harmful. Rewriting the origin on ingress stops this particular line of network abuse.

From: Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org>
If you don't rewrite your transit providers' origin, then you are telling them that they can directly influence your exit discrimination policy on the basis of a purely advisory flag which has no real meaning.
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"? I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy." As has been stated here before: your network, your rules. David Barak Need Geek Rock? Try The Franchise: http://www.listentothefranchise.com

2012/5/31 David Barak <thegameiam@yahoo.com>
From: Nick Hilliard <nick@foobar.org>
If you don't rewrite your transit providers' origin, then you are telling them that they can directly influence your exit discrimination policy on the basis of a purely advisory flag which has no real meaning.
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"? I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy." As has been stated here before: your network, your rules.
The internet by definition is a network of network so no one entity can keep traffic segregated to their network. Modifying someone else routing advertisements without their consent is just as bad as filtering them in my opinion. Doing so to move traffic into your AS in order to gain an advantage in peering arrangements and make more money off of the end user is just dastardly. The "your network your rules" philosophy doesn't work for something as large as the internet, or POTS or power grids or RF or anything else that requires multiple companies to work together. This is why we have debates on DPI and network neutrality and such. What if some country wants to block youtube and they start advertising bogus routes for it? What if our upstreams could shorten our AS paths to 1 or even shorten prefixes to drive traffic through one AS or another? Giving all control to the network operators would result in chaos.

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:21:12PM -0400, Keegan Holley wrote:
The internet by definition is a network of network so no one entity can keep traffic segregated to their network. Modifying someone else routing advertisements without their consent is just as bad as filtering them in my opinion. Doing so to move traffic into your AS in order to gain an advantage in peering arrangements and make more money off of the end user is just dastardly.
There was one particularly (in)famous network *coughpeer1cough* which was well known for selectively rewriting the origin codes towards their peers a few years back. For example, if traffic was going to New York, they would advertise the prefix with IGP in New York, and Incomplete everywhere else, forcing other networks to haul the traffic to New York. This is a violation of most peering agreements, which require consistent advertisements unless otherwise agreed, but it was just sneaky enough that it flew under the radar of most folks for quite a while. When it was finally noticed and they refused to stop doing it when asked, a few folks just depeered them, but a bunch of others just "solved the problem" by rewriting the origin codes. This is why you still see a lot of rewriting happening today by default, to avoid a repeat of the same issue. Personally I was of the opinion that the correct solution to this particular problem was just to terminate the peering relationship, but honestly Origin code is a pretty useless attribute in the modern Internet, and it exists today only because it's impossible to take it out of the protocol. I don't see anyone complaining when we rewrite someone else's MEDs, sometimes as a trick to move traffic onto your network (*), or even that big of a complaint when we remove another networks' communities, so I don't see why anyone cares about this one. Maybe a "better" fix would be a local knob to ignore Origin code in the best path decision without having to modify it. Start asking your vendors for it now, maybe it'll show up around 2017... :) (*) I've seen a lot of inexperienced BGP speaking customers be very upset that they can't "send any traffic using natural bgp" (yes, there appears to be some kind of delusion running around that modifying BGP attributes to influence path selection is bad... What's next, "organic routes, not from concentrate"? :P), which in the end turned out to be us sending the customer MEDs based on our IGP cost, other networks sending them MEDs of 0, and them not knowing enough to do something useful with the data or else rewrite it to 0. -- Richard A Steenbergen <ras@e-gerbil.net> http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

In a message written on Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:22:16PM -0500, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
out of the protocol. I don't see anyone complaining when we rewrite someone else's MEDs, sometimes as a trick to move traffic onto your network (*), or even that big of a complaint when we remove another networks' communities, so I don't see why anyone cares about this one.
Take all the politics and contracts out of it, and look at MED from a 100% pure engineering perspective, with the traditional view that MED reflects IGP cost, and origin reflects where the route came from in the first place. I would argue the right engineering answer is that each network, on outbound, should set the MED equal to the IGP cost. Basically if an ASN gets 4 routes with 4 different MEDS on 4 peering points and picks the "best", when it passes it on to the next metric the IGP cost an AS away no longer makes any sense. If the behavior is for each ASN to inject their own MED on outbound, then rewriting inbound or outbound is just an extension of the entirely local policy anyway, no different than changing IGP metrics. Don't want to reflect IGP metrics, rewrite to a fixed value. The origin is different, at least conceptually. The origin type should reflect the state of the route before it went into BGP, a property which does not change per-AS hop along the way. That's why with a pure engineer hat on I would be much more surprised/upset to see someone rewriting origin while I would expect them to be rewriting MED. Of course the real world isn't 100% engineering based. ISP's do all sorts of weird and fun things, and customers can (usually) vote with their dollars. I don't have a problem with an ISP implementing pretty much any BGP policy they want /provided they disclose it to their BGP customers/. Perhaps if a large number of people were a bit more rational with their peering policies we wouldn't have enginers dedicated to generating routing funkyness just to meet peering criteria. It's not helping anyone get reliable, high performing network access. -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org - CCIE 3440 PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:21:12PM -0400, Keegan Holley wrote:
The internet by definition is a network of network so no one entity can keep traffic segregated to their network. Modifying someone else routing advertisements without their consent is just as bad as filtering them in my opinion. Doing so to move traffic into your AS in order to gain an advantage in peering arrangements and make more money off of the end user is just dastardly.
There was one particularly (in)famous network *coughpeer1cough* which was well known for selectively rewriting the origin codes towards their peers a few years back. For example, if traffic was going to New York, they would advertise the prefix with IGP in New York, and Incomplete everywhere else, forcing other networks to haul the traffic to New York. This is a violation of most peering agreements, which require consistent advertisements unless otherwise agreed, but it was just sneaky enough that it flew under the radar of most folks for quite a while. When it was finally noticed and they refused to stop doing it when asked, a few folks just depeered them, but a bunch of others just "solved the problem" by rewriting the origin codes. This is why you still see a lot of rewriting happening today by default, to avoid a repeat of the same issue.
Personally I was of the opinion that the correct solution to this particular problem was just to terminate the peering relationship, but honestly Origin code is a pretty useless attribute in the modern Internet, and it exists today only because it's impossible to take it out of the protocol. I don't see anyone complaining when we rewrite someone else's MEDs, sometimes as a trick to move traffic onto your network (*), or even that big of a complaint when we remove another networks' communities, so I don't see why anyone cares about this one.
It's hard to catch when someone is modifying your advertisements. Also, I don't expect MED to be compared globally since different networks will handle it differently so chances are I'm just using it to contol traffic to and from a directly connected ISP. If you rewrite it to do the same thing with your upstreams I probably won't care as long as latency and hop count remain reasonable. That being said I've seen an upstream mess with local-pref in their AS and then again upstream from them and began pulling
2012/5/31 Richard A Steenbergen <ras@e-gerbil.net> traffic literally into a different country. That IMHO is egregious.
Maybe a "better" fix would be a local knob to ignore Origin code in the best path decision without having to modify it. Start asking your vendors for it now, maybe it'll show up around 2017... :)
I still think it would cool if BGP had an AS topology database of some sort, but that's too expensive. Most BGP policies are not very deterministic in my experience.
(*) I've seen a lot of inexperienced BGP speaking customers be very upset that they can't "send any traffic using natural bgp" (yes, there appears to be some kind of delusion running around that modifying BGP attributes to influence path selection is bad... What's next, "organic routes, not from concentrate"? :P), which in the end turned out to be us sending the customer MEDs based on our IGP cost, other networks sending them MEDs of 0, and them not knowing enough to do something useful with the data or else rewrite it to 0.
Well less than ten years ago I remember hearing that BGP was only for ISP's or very large enterprises and most people should try to run an IGP only. I still hear from companies who are nervous about running BGP with a private MPLS provider. Old habits die hard I guess..

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Keegan Holley <keegan.holley@sungard.com>wrote:
The internet by definition is a network of network so no one entity can keep traffic segregated to their network. Modifying someone else routing advertisements without their consent is just as bad as filtering them in my opinion. Doing so to move traffic into your AS in order to gain an advantage in peering arrangements and make more money off of the end user is just dastardly.
While this is a nice thought, it's not practical in reality. If you give someone a knob, they are going to turn it. Someone will look to take advantage of it. If you pay me, fine. If you don't pay me, I'm not going to allow you to potentially cost me significant dollars in infrastructure costs just to preserve the notion of free love and peering :) -Steve

2012/5/31 Steve Meuse <smeuse@mara.org>
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Keegan Holley <keegan.holley@sungard.com
The internet by definition is a network of network so no one entity can keep traffic segregated to their network. Modifying someone else routing advertisements without their consent is just as bad as filtering them in my opinion. Doing so to move traffic into your AS in order to gain an advantage in peering arrangements and make more money off of the end user is just dastardly.
While this is a nice thought, it's not practical in reality. If you give someone a knob, they are going to turn it. Someone will look to take advantage of it.
If you pay me, fine. If you don't pay me, I'm not going to allow you to potentially cost me significant dollars in infrastructure costs just to preserve the notion of free love and peering :)
If you consider not mucking with my advertisements and those of my customers "free love" then I hope you don't work for one of my upstreams. Likewise, if you consider not hijacking my traffic to drive up revenue as "cost". Anything to make a buck I suppose. sigh..

On 31/05/2012 21:04, Keegan Holley wrote:
If you consider not mucking with my advertisements and those of my customers "free love" then I hope you don't work for one of my upstreams. Likewise, if you consider not hijacking my traffic to drive up revenue as "cost". Anything to make a buck I suppose. sigh..
route-map rm-transit-in permit 1 continue set origin igp route-map rm-transit-in permit 10 [...]
It sucks slightly, but not very much. For sure, a lot less than the suckage that happens when your transit provider stomps around with origin from their learned prefixes. Nick

On 31/05/2012 16:46, David Barak wrote:
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"?
Let's say network A uses cisco kit and injects prefixes into their ibgp tables using network statements. The default for this is to set origin=igp. On the other hand, network B also uses cisco kit and uses "redistribute" to inject static routes from their route reflectors. By default, these prefixes will have origin=incomplete. Network C uses juniper kit, which sets origin=igp for all injected prefixes, regardless of whether it's via an IGP or some other means. So, the default origin policy is that unless the originator of an prefix manually tweaks the origin to be consistent with something that is actually consistent (with what, I don't know - because there is no good definition of the difference between, say, igp and incomplete), then different _syntactic_ network configurations will set the parameter differently, even if there is no _semantic_ difference in those configs. This is a pretty random mess. I do not wish to operate the networks which I manage on the basis of a parameter which is basically arbitrary and which can be tuned by an upstream connectivity provider to their advantage based on their whims.
I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy."
med is useful in an inter-asn context if you have multiple links into a specific asn and wish to discriminate between them on the basis of what that ASN suggests. Same for origin if you trust that the other ASN has configured origin in a sensible manner. MED can be trusted in situations where you have a prescribed policy for trusting med, preferably backed by a contract which defines the MEDs. Otherwise, thanks but no thanks.
As has been stated here before: your network, your rules.
yep, definitely! :-) Nick

On (2012-05-31 08:46 -0700), David Barak wrote:
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"? I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy." As has been stated here before: your network, your rules.
When provider rewrites MED, they do it, because they don't want peer to cause them to cold-potato, to which they may have compelling reason. Then some clever people realise they forgot to rewrite origin, working around the implicit agreement you had with them. -- ++ytti

On 05/31/2012 07:06 PM, Saku Ytti wrote:
On (2012-05-31 08:46 -0700), David Barak wrote:
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"? I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy." As has been stated here before: your network, your rules.
When provider rewrites MED, they do it, because they don't want peer to cause them to cold-potato, to which they may have compelling reason. Then some clever people realise they forgot to rewrite origin, working around the implicit agreement you had with them.
You CAN rewrite MED, as stated in RFC 4271, section 5.1.4 - but you SHOULD NOT change origin attribute, as stated in section 5.1.1. So, in terms of rewriting, MED is not comparable to origin. I think RFC 4271 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4271) is very clear here. Back to the standard, why condone it's violation? Yes, statement about origin is here since January 2006 - older RFC 1771 didn't contain similar rule. But 6 years after publishing I think everyone had enough time to implement this correctly. I still think, that professionals shoult follow RFC and not insert their own creativity to places, where's not expected - just because they decide that as a "cool" idea. For local routing policy - there're still lot of knobs, which can be used internally (typically MED, LOCPREF) to enforce expected policy and there's technically no reason to change origin. -- Daniel

On (2012-06-01 10:19 +0200), Daniel Suchy wrote:
I think RFC 4271 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4271) is very clear here. Back to the standard, why condone it's violation? Yes, statement
It's extremely hard to find RFC which does not contain incorrect information or practically undeployable data. Many things if reading RFC anally are not standard compliant, like no one does IPv6 in the world and no one does MPLS VPNs etc. I'm repeating myself, but if you reset MED, you do it because you have reason why you do not allow peer to force you to cold-potato. There is little point in resetting MED and not resetting origin, as what you tried to stop from occurring still occurs. -- ++ytti

On Jun 1, 2012, at 4:28 AM, Saku Ytti wrote:
It's extremely hard to find RFC which does not contain incorrect information or practically undeployable data.
Actual errors in RFC's (typos, incorrect references, etc.) - <http://www.rfc-editor.org/errata.php> Differing views regarding RFC subject material; feel free to work with others of similar to write up your perspective - <http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2223.txt> The RFC series is an Internet-wide community effort. Thanks! /John

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 10:19:16AM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
On 05/31/2012 07:06 PM, Saku Ytti wrote:
On (2012-05-31 08:46 -0700), David Barak wrote:
On what precisely do you base the idea that a mandatory transitive attribute of a BGP prefix is a "purely advisory flag which has no real meaning"? I encourage you to reconsider that opinion - it's actually a useful attribute, much the way that MED is a useful attribute. Many providers re-write MED, and apparently some re-write ORIGIN. Neither of those is "network abuse" - it's more accurately described as "network routing policy." As has been stated here before: your network, your rules.
When provider rewrites MED, they do it, because they don't want peer to cause them to cold-potato, to which they may have compelling reason. Then some clever people realize they forgot to rewrite origin, working around the implicit agreement you had with them.
You CAN rewrite MED, as stated in RFC 4271, section 5.1.4 - but you SHOULD NOT change origin attribute, as stated in section 5.1.1. So, in terms of rewriting, MED is not comparable to origin.
I think RFC 4271 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4271) is very clear here. Back to the standard, why condone it's violation? Yes, statement about origin is here since January 2006 - older RFC 1771 didn't contain similar rule. But 6 years after publishing I think everyone had enough time to implement this correctly.
Please remind yourself the standard language from rfc 2119. SHOULD NOT is not in the same ball park as MUST NOT: "4. SHOULD NOT This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with this label."
I still think, that professionals shoult follow RFC and not insert their own creativity to places, where's not expected - just because they decide that as a "cool" idea. For local routing policy - there're still lot of knobs, which can be used internally (typically MED, LOCPREF) to enforce expected policy and there's technically no reason to change origin.
You clearly did not read the previous posts involving actual historical evidence [and apparently ongoing] of remote networks attempting action at a distance knowing that many overlook this part of the decision tree. Preventing your company from bleeding money or degrading performance at whim of remote parties certainly is "cool" but also just good business and proper network hygiene. Cheers, Joe -- RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG

On 06/01/2012 07:38 PM, Joe Provo wrote:
You clearly did not read the previous posts involving actual historical evidence [and apparently ongoing] of remote networks attempting action at a distance knowing that many overlook this part of the decision tree. Preventing your company from bleeding money or degrading performance at whim of remote parties certainly is "cool" but also just good business and proper network hygiene.
By overwriting origin field, there's no warranty that someone improves performance at all - it's just imagination. In extreme cases, performance can be degraded when someone in the middle plays with origin field and doesn't know reasons, why originating network uses something else than IGP origin. In RFC 2119 words, full implications were not understanded - when this overwriting is done generally. Also, there must be some historical reason, why origin should not be rewritten (this changed in January 2006). For internal reasons within the network operator still haves enough knobs to enforce own policy (by setting localpref, med on his network). Daniel

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 08:03:50PM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
By overwriting origin field, there's no warranty that someone improves performance at all - it's just imagination. In extreme cases, performance can be degraded when someone in the middle plays with origin field and doesn't know reasons, why originating network uses something else than IGP origin. In RFC 2119 words, full implications were not understanded - when this overwriting is done generally.
Uh, what part of "to prevent remote networks from improperly forcing a cold potato routing behavior on you" sounds imaginary?
Also, there must be some historical reason, why origin should not be rewritten (this changed in January 2006). For internal reasons within the network operator still haves enough knobs to enforce own policy (by setting localpref, med on his network).
Not really, no. Not every RFC is 100% correct, and they're often written by people who are not operators (because operators are too busy running real networks :P). Besides, "SHOULD NOT" means "you probably don't want to do this, unless you have a really good reason", and enforcing such an important point in a peering policy is a pretty good reason. You also clearly don't understand the practical use of localpref. When you're trying to implement a simple and relatively common policy like "closest exit routing to a peer with multiple exits", you set the localprefs the same (localpref is usually used to determine WHICH peer you'll be sending to), you set the MEDs the same (if you don't want to artifically select which EXIT to use), AS-PATH lengths are obviously the same if you have multiple exits, and then the next one down is origin code. If you can't reset origin code, you run the risk of a remote network being able to force your network to do something you probably don't want to do (or at least probably wouldn't want to do, if you had any idea what you were doing :P). Please see the previous commentary from Joe Provo, Saku Ytti, etc, they are quite correct. -- Richard A Steenbergen <ras@e-gerbil.net> http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)

On 06/02/2012 02:42 AM, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 08:03:50PM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
By overwriting origin field, there's no warranty that someone improves performance at all - it's just imagination. In extreme cases, performance can be degraded when someone in the middle plays with origin field and doesn't know reasons, why originating network uses something else than IGP origin. In RFC 2119 words, full implications were not understanded - when this overwriting is done generally.
Uh, what part of "to prevent remote networks from improperly forcing a cold potato routing behavior on you" sounds imaginary?
It depends, not everything looking as proper from single network operator in the middle can be proper in end-to-end user experience, where multiple networks are traversed.
Also, there must be some historical reason, why origin should not be rewritten (this changed in January 2006). For internal reasons within the network operator still haves enough knobs to enforce own policy (by setting localpref, med on his network).
Not really, no. Not every RFC is 100% correct, and they're often written by people who are not operators (because operators are too busy running real networks :P). Besides, "SHOULD NOT" means "you probably don't want to do this, unless you have a really good reason", and enforcing such an important point in a peering policy is a pretty good reason.
If someone comes with some implementation overwriting ASPATH (even it may not) and excuses this by RFC incorrectness from his perspective, you'll understand it? Probably not. It's relative.
You also clearly don't understand the practical use of localpref. When you're trying to implement a simple and relatively common policy like "closest exit routing to a peer with multiple exits", you set the localprefs the same (localpref is usually used to determine WHICH peer you'll be sending to), you set the MEDs the same (if you don't want to artifically select which EXIT to use), AS-PATH lengths are obviously the same if you have multiple exits, and then the next one down is origin code. If you can't reset origin code, you run the risk of a remote network being able to force your network to do something you probably don't want to do (or at least probably wouldn't want to do, if you had any idea what you were doing :P).
Well, this matches situatios, where two networks have more than single interconnection and still for prefixes originated from that particular network. But when there's only one interconnection, there's no such reason. Intermediate networks, even having multiple peers will probably see similar origin on all their peers.
Please see the previous commentary from Joe Provo, Saku Ytti, etc, they are quite correct.
I don't think they admits all consequences. When some knob (origin) is not disabled by policy for single prefix visible at multiple points, some "creative" operators should come with other methods to achieve what they wants. Prefix deagregation is first thing, that comes to mind. Even they'll also slightly violate RFC (having not single policy - well, they assume RFC is not correct), they simply start to announce deagregated prefixes next to aggregate one. But deaggregated prefixes are announced only to specific peers - and yes, this works. Then, you can have any policy, have everything normalized at all peers - but most specific prefix in your table visible over particular path simply wins over everything. And this is not a imaginary case - this is clearly visible in real routing table - 41% of address space (in IPv4) is deaggreated, in my experience mainly due to "traffic engineering" purposes - smaller end networks are simply enforced to do this, and some people here confirmed this in this discussion... - Daniel

On Fri, Jun 01, 2012 at 08:03:50PM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
On 06/01/2012 07:38 PM, Joe Provo wrote:
You clearly did not read the previous posts involving actual historical evidence [and apparently ongoing] of remote networks attempting action at a distance knowing that many overlook this part of the decision tree. Preventing your company from bleeding money or degrading performance at whim of remote parties certainly is "cool" but also just good business and proper network hygiene.
By overwriting origin field, there's no warranty that someone improves performance at all - it's just imagination.
Cost and performance were merely two reasons someone may wish to prevent remote parties from using origin to influence outbound traffic from my network. I can state it is not imagination when I encountered networks doing this in the past for prefixes they were sourcing. To be clear - these were prefixes being sourced by a neighbor who was providing different origin codes on different sessions. Either they were [to Nick Hilliard's point] using different kit and unaware of the differnt implementations or [as evidence bore out] purposefully shifting traffic without arrangement on links that were worse for me and in violation of the agreement we entered into when peering.
In extreme cases, performance can be degraded when someone in the middle plays with origin field and doesn't know reasons, why originating network uses something else than IGP origin.
The issues that were repeatedly mentioned were not not 'use something other than origin IGP'. Rather, two clear examples were: - a party in the middle adjusting prefixes not of their origin with the express intent of attracting traffic [from paying downstreams] - a directly connected party cost-shifting long-haul carriage for their sourced prefixes without prior arrangement
In RFC 2119 words, full implications were not understanded - when this overwriting is done generally.
I think you're trying to make sense here but it isn't coming through. You are saying that dealing with someone shifting costs to my network *after8 asking them what they were doing and getting no useful reply is not thinking it through?
Also, there must be some historical reason, why origin should not be rewritten (this changed in January 2006). For internal reasons within the network operator still haves enough knobs to enforce own policy (by setting localpref, med on his network).
There certainly were historical reasons for treating origin as sacrosanct. Time has marched on and those reasons are now *historical*, hence the quite reasonable updat eto the RFC. You seem to fail to understand that MED comes after origin on the decision tree, and therefore someone can influence traffic carriage without agreement. Cheers, Joe -- RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG

On 06/02/2012 02:53 AM, Joe Provo wrote:
Cost and performance were merely two reasons someone may wish to prevent remote parties from using origin to influence outbound traffic from my network. As I mentioned already, it will influence that by another way. And this costs *you* more money - you have to pay for router with larger TCAMs, more memory, faster CPUs... and yes, deaggregation is very simple task for originating network - much easier than playing with the origin flag, which is not understanded widely.
I can state it is not imagination when I encountered networks doing this in the past for prefixes they were sourcing. To be clear - these were prefixes being sourced by a neighbor who was providing different origin codes on different sessions. Either they were [to Nick Hilliard's point] using different kit and unaware of the differnt implementations or [as evidence bore out] purposefully shifting traffic without arrangement on links that were worse for me and in violation of the agreement we entered into when peering.
More specific prefix in addition to aggregate one visible only over specific peers will do the job, too. And will do that job better... but for what cost (not only to you)...?
There certainly were historical reasons for treating origin as sacrosanct. Time has marched on and those reasons are now *historical*, hence the quite reasonable updat eto the RFC. You seem to fail to understand that MED comes after origin on the decision tree, and therefore someone can influence traffic carriage without agreement.
You seem to fail realize other (easier) ways to influence traffic carriage. Deaggregation with selective route announcement is quite common way, many networks do that. - Daniel

Last post on this topic for me. You seem to wish to argue against the lessons of history and the reality of running a network on the global Internet. On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 09:27:36AM +0200, Daniel Suchy wrote:
On 06/02/2012 02:53 AM, Joe Provo wrote:
Cost and performance were merely two reasons someone may wish to prevent remote parties from using origin to influence outbound traffic from my network. As I mentioned already, it will influence that by another way. And this costs *you* more money - you have to pay for router with larger TCAMs, more memory, faster CPUs... and yes, deaggregation is very simple task for originating network - much easier than playing with the origin flag, which is not understanded widely.
The two issues are orthogonal. Deaggregating sources have been cost-shifting [in a highly visible and easily examined and often trivially-filtered] manner for ages. There is no data to support the premis that touching origin creates more of this behavior and plenty to refute it. Deaggregation preexists and was always a problem with which one had to deal as supposed "needed TE" by those too cheap to build a proper network sadly became more acceptable over time. A midspan network deaggregating someone else's prefixes is broken and gets called out, generally by the originator if they have a clue.
I can state it is not imagination when I encountered networks doing this in the past for prefixes they were sourcing. To be clear - these were prefixes being sourced by a neighbor who was providing different origin codes on different sessions. Either they were [to Nick Hilliard's point] using different kit and unaware of the differnt implementations or [as evidence bore out] purposefully shifting traffic without arrangement on links that were worse for me and in violation of the agreement we entered into when peering.
More specific prefix in addition to aggregate one visible only over specific peers will do the job, too. And will do that job better... but for what cost (not only to you)...?
See above.
There certainly were historical reasons for treating origin as sacrosanct. Time has marched on and those reasons are now *historical*, hence the quite reasonable updat eto the RFC. You seem to fail to understand that MED comes after origin on the decision tree, and therefore someone can influence traffic carriage without agreement.
You seem to fail realize other (easier) ways to influence traffic carriage. Deaggregation with selective route announcement is quite common way, many networks do that.
See above. Cheers, Joe -- RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG

On 06/02/2012 12:43 PM, Joe Provo wrote:
Last post on this topic for me. You seem to wish to argue against the lessons of history and the reality of running a network on the global Internet.
Based on observations from routeviews / RIPE RIS / other public sources, overwriting BGP origin isn't a common practice. I did some analysis before I opened this topic.
From tier-1 networks, only Level3 seems to do this, from other major networks only HE. Based on network listed at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tier_1_network, there're 2 of 22 major (and only 11 tier-1) worldwide networks performing origin overwritting.
That's really not a representation of common and widely used practice. I'm not arguing with common practice on the internet. Majority doesn't touch origin attribute... (and yes, basically I don't care about pure tier-2/3 networks, their impact isn't peremptory in terms of their global impact)
The two issues are orthogonal. Deaggregating sources have been cost-shifting [in a highly visible and easily examined and often trivially-filtered] manner for ages.
In global table, there's 41% overhead, in terms of prefixes announced. I don't think it's trivial to filter this overhead. If you're correct (I don't think so), why there's this huge ammount of unfiltered deaggregated prefixes in global table? Because it's easier to buy new hardware.
A midspan network deaggregating someone else's prefixes is broken and gets called out, generally by the originator if they have a clue.
This is bad at all - but sometimes also happens with huge impact and this is historically documented on some cases like Pakistan Telecom/Youtube. And this happened, even you said that filtering is trivial... - Daniel

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 12:26:29PM +0100, Nick Hilliard wrote:
On 31/05/2012 11:23, Daniel Suchy wrote:
In my experience, there're not so many service providers doing that.
Plenty of providers do it. IIWY, I would universally rewrite origin at your ingress points to be the same; otherwise you'll find that providers will merely use it as a means of influencing the bgp best path decision algorithm so that they end up with more of your traffic, and can consequently charge you more. There are many useful ways to build a multi-exit discrimination policy. Using origin is not one of them, in my opinion.
I never encountered someone I paid doing this, but infrastructure-cheap peers who stretched virtual circuits to meet peering point requirements then tried to attract traffic away from those links were doing it for years. I had the policy to overwrite peer's origin if they were inconsistant at will for 6079 in the early 2000s. -- RSUC / GweepNet / Spunk / FnB / Usenix / SAGE / NewNOG
participants (11)
Daniel Suchy
David Barak
Joe Provo
John Curran
Keegan Holley
Leo Bicknell
Nick Hilliard
Richard A Steenbergen
Saku Ytti
Steve Meuse