If there's something I really hate it's a bunch of jerks in the marketing department that are so desperate to get attention, they'll even repeat the mistakes of at least one other organization we all know of - and do so FOR THE SECOND TIME - and annoy operational people at their competitor's (that'd be the NANOG readers), customers and non-customers alike. As far as their "Copyright" on this piece of UCE is concerned, they can stick that where the sun don't shine: There is no inherent right to control 'distribution' of works distributed in an indiscriminate and unsolicited manner: the 2 reproduced UCE/UBE below have key data censored for no other purpose than making it completely useless for getting Globix's message before an even bigger audience. ARIN board: you may want to consider changes to the charter to have sanctions against members that send UCE/UBE to ARIN POCs. There is nothing that gets members' attention as quick as a $5000 "special administrative fee" for unauthorized use of the membership list, even such a public one as the ARIN whois server. Freely accessible doesn't mean free for all and all purposes. Globix abuse desk people: I know your pain. And on another note, that little spamming jerk from Qwest's NYC sales office, NAME REMOVED, should start finding himself a new job while there is time. And don't count on collecting unemployment. Gee, I can be a real jerk on some days, and well: this is such a day. bye,Kai -- "Just say No" to Spam Kai Schlichting New York, Palo Alto, You name it Sophisticated Technical Peon Kai's SpamShield <tm> is FREE! http://www.SpamShield.org | | LeasedLines-FrameRelay-IPLs-ISDN-PPP-Cisco-Consulting-VoiceFax-Data-Muxes WorldWideWebAnything-Intranets-NetAdmin-UnixAdmin-Security-ReallyHardMath --------------------- Received: from mailhost.nyc1.globix.com (mailhost.nyc1.globix.com []) by CENSORED (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id TAA21672 for <CENSORED@DOMAIN_OF_ARIN_POC>; Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:XX:XX -0500 (EST) From: dm@globix.com Received-Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 19:XX:XX -0500 (EST) Received: from mailhost.nyc1.globix.com ([]) by mailhost.nyc1.globix.com (Netscape Messaging Server 4.15) with SMTP id GRYL0S00.JGT; Fri, 22 Feb 2002 18:XX:XX -0500 To: friends@DOMAIN_OF_ARIN_POC Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 18:XX:XX PST Subject: Register for Free Globix Seminar MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <GRYL0S00.JGT@mailhost.nyc1.globix.com> IBM/Globix SeminarG l o b i x C o r p o r a t i o n S e m i n a r S e r i e sIBM and Globix Corporation will present a seminar entitled "New Solutions for the New Year" A discussion on leveraging technology: How small to medium sized companies can take advantage of the lessons learned by other businesses when making an outsourcing decision. XXXXXXXX, February XX, 2002 X:00 PM Registration X:30 PM Presentation X:30 PM Tours and Networking Globix Corporation Seminar Center 139 Centre Street 2nd Floor Seminar Room According to a recent Jupiter Executive Survey, 34 percent of companies handle hosting and infrastructure responsibilities internally - most of these companies overestimate the competitive advantages of hosting internally. This seminar will review the common "Pain Points" of hosting internally and look at how some companies have confronted and answered these questions. Topics to be presented for discussed will be: What are the costs of outsourcing hosting and infrastructure needs as opposed to fulfilling them in-house?How do companies trap themselves into over spending. How can they correct avoidable mistakes?What criteria can companies rely on to select the best hosting and infrastructure vendor?How can you plan for business continuity as a hedge against unforeseen downtime? The theme of the event will be how Globix and IBM combine to provide solutions to challenges. This seminar will also introduce the Globix/IBM Partnership to attendees and show how Globix services combined with IBM products can meet business needs. Featured Speakers: Larry O'Connell, Global Emerging and Competitive Markets, IBM Corporation Steve Wolf, Technology and Applications Services Group, Globix CorporationTo register for this event, visitwww.globix.com/serverseminar/. For additional details, contact Globix at 1-800-4-GLOBIX, or via email @info@globix.com "Globix" and the stylized "G" logo are trademarks of Globix Corporation. © Copyright 2002 Globix Corporation. All Rights Reserved. If you have received this in error or do not wish to be contacted, please reply to this email with 'Remove Me' in the subject line. If you would like this directed to someone else in your organization please reply with new contact details. ===8<===========End of original message text=========== ===8<==============Original message text=============== Received: from mailhost.nyc1.globix.com (mailhost.nyc1.globix.com []) by CENSORED (8.9.3/8.9.3) with ESMTP id PAA08893 for <CENSORED@DOMAIN_OF_ARIN_POC>; Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:XX:XX -0500 (EST) From: dm@globix.com Received-Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:XX:XX -0500 (EST) Received: from mailhost.nyc1.globix.com ([]) by mailhost.nyc1.globix.com (Netscape Messaging Server 4.15) with SMTP id GQGLDV00.PMB; Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:XX:XX -0500 To: globix@DOMAIN_OF_ARIN_POC Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 15:10:XX PST Subject: Globix and IBM Internet Partnership Seminar MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Message-ID: <GQGLDV00.PMB@mailhost.nyc1.globix.com> Globix Seminar InvitationLast week we sent you a special invitation to the first in a series of seminars hosted by Globix and IBM. This is a reminder that you are cordially invited to this presentation. As strategic business partners, Globix and IBM are uniquely qualified to assist your business in solving complex e-business problems. Industry experts from both Globix and IBM will discuss ways of leveraging today s technology to achieve real results on the Internet. Registration information and the seminar agenda are available by clicking on the link below. Seminar: New Solutions for the New Year Date: January XX, 2001 Time: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Location: Globix World Headquarters 139 Centre Street New York, NY 10013 Registration Online: www.globix.com/serverseminar By phone: 1-800-4-GLOBIX, code XXXX Refreshments and tours of our state-of-the-art data center will be available after the seminar. We look forward to seeing you there. Globix Corporation If you would like for us to remove your name from our email list, please hit respond and enter REMOVE in the subject box. We apologize for any inconvenience. ===8<===========End of original message text=========== --

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Kai Schlichting wrote:
And on another note, that little spamming jerk from Qwest's NYC sales office, NAME REMOVED, should start finding himself a new job while there is time. And don't count on collecting unemployment.
What, did he spam your users through the whois database, and copy you on it since you are the tech contact ? @qwest.com went right in the filters. ========================================================== Chris Candreva -- chris@westnet.com -- (914) 967-7816 WestNet Internet Services of Westchester http://www.westnet.com/
participants (2)
Christopher X. Candreva
Kai Schlichting