According to Cloudflares isbgpsafeyet.com, Cogent has been considered "safe" and is filtering invalids. But I have found that to be untrue (mostly). It appears that some days they filter IPv4, sometimes not, and IPv6 invalids are always coming through. I know it's Cogent, but curious as to what others are seeing. invalid.rpki.cloudflare.com has address invalid.rpki.cloudflare.com has address invalid.rpki.cloudflare.com has IPv6 address 2606:4700:7000::6715:f40e invalid.rpki.cloudflare.com has IPv6 address 2606:4700:7000::6715:f40f BGP routing table entry for 174 13335, (aggregated by 13335 Origin IGP, metric 83040, localpref 100, valid, external, best, group-best, import-candidate Community: 174:21101 174:22012 BGP routing table entry for 2606:4700:7000::/48 174 13335, (aggregated by 13335 2001:550:2f01:: from 2001:550:2f01:: ( Origin IGP, metric 83040, localpref 100, valid, external, best, group-best, import-candidate Received Path ID 0, Local Path ID 1, version 1272502628 Community: 174:21101 174:22012 -- inoc.net!rblayzor XMPP: rblayzor.AT.inoc.net PGP: https://pgp.inoc.net/rblayzor/