On Tue, 20 May 1997, Michael Dillon wrote:
On Tue, 20 May 1997, Ben Black wrote:
what happens when there is disagreement in the eDNS community and someone decides to break off and for Yet Another DNS Coalition? or are you assuming such a thing will never happen?
It has already happened. The Alternic has broken off from the eDNS community and no longer recognizes their TLDs. And name.space never did join the eDNS community and has always had TLDs that conflict with eDNS. Now Karl Denninger has imposed some new rules on eDNS to place limits on people who are trying to create more than 10 new TLDs. The universe in a microcosm...
Interesting assumption when the ALTERNICS' single biggest creditor is an eDNS Regisratation Authority.... Liability issues?????
In any event, the US government seems quite happy to let the 114 signatories of the gTLD MoU work things out even though eDNS supporters have vigorously lobbied for US government intervention.
if there are multiple IANA blessed NICs, then so be it. they will operate only as long as they follow the guidelines set down for them by a higher authority with no financial stake in the game. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An important point that so many people seem to miss.
Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting http://www.memra.com - E-mail: michael@memra.com
The bottom line is track record. Not track tearing. Not track derailing. But pounding the damn dirt around the track with the rest of us worms. -- Randy Bush