Good day. I'm curious to hear from those with direct, hopefully in-production, experience in using a commercial network operating system vendor along with white box switches. I'm specifically looking for operators in the service provider space, rather than data center or enterprise. I'm largely focused on Jericho2/Qumran2 based devices, with what would likely be modest feature requirements. We currently use MPLS with RSVP to build automatic paths, but don't do anything specific for traffic engineering. Segment routing isn't a requirement for today. Currently use more traditional forms of MPLS services for customer L2 and L3 VPNs, but are investigating a transition to EVPN. Automation is very much important to us, as are routing security features. Based on research, and use of vertically integrated Jericho-based switches, we aren't concerned about QoS as our needs aren't super complex. I guess I'm largely saying that we don't expect the ASIC to be the weak point in our use case, but rather the NOS or the nature of support from the vendor. I'm aware of IPInfusion and their OcNOS product, but the CLI and config syntax feels dated. I feel like I've been ruined by Cisco RPL, Juniper policy-statements, and Arista RCF and expect I would find wanting more than what route-map syntax has to offer. Can I accomplish the same complex routing policies via route-maps that I can with more modern solutions, and I'm just assuming it's limiting? Is it fair to say that even if I can achieve the same functionality, that route-maps are the poorer choice when it comes to the human interaction aspect? I know of Arrcus, but don't know much more than I can see on their website. Edge-core has an interesting reference in its Open Networking Solution Guide on their website in which they position Arrcus for core applications and IPInfusion for access and aggregation. All of which could be meaningless based on the varied definitions and expectations of what a core network is and does. Is it feature rich or just a set of fast LSR P-routers? The Edge-Cor guide also identifies Exaware and Capgemini, both of whom I know little about. Are there viable SP focused NOS vendors that I haven't touched on? Thanks in advance for any reply, be it on-list or off-list. Regards, Graham