I've got a whole bunch running with no issues.. Mostly MM/850nm though, so maybe a bit different than their SM stuff. Also have a handful (literally) of the SM ones, and haven't had any issues (yet). Only "problem" I've had is a copper SFP from them which may have burned out and fried a switchport... oops. On Fri, Sep 20, 2019 at 9:01 AM Jason Lixfeld <jason+nanog@lixfeld.ca> wrote:
On Sep 20, 2019, at 8:54 AM, Bryan Holloway <bryan@shout.net> wrote:
In my travels we see a high failure rate -- higher than I'd like to see --, but $boss likes the price, and, as Jason pointed out below, for the price, it can be a "successful" business model.
For someone who doesn't want to deal with outages, call-volume, hands tickets, truck-rolls, and has money to burn, there are better alternatives.
Indeed. My tune would be very different if we had 1:50 fail in the field.