I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to all you that put together NANOG. I'm pretty new to the list and 58 was the first NANOG that I followed, watched a few archive speakers in the past, but this was the first time I actually "stay tuned" and followed most speakers. Simply put, thank you for the knowledge, perspective, and keep up the effort. On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 7:33 AM, David Temkin <dave@temk.in> wrote:
The final agenda for NANOG 58 has been posted at:
Also of note, Standard Registration ends on May 30 - the price will then go up $75. We encourage you to register now and lock in the few remaining hotel rooms at
This meeting will follow the new Monday-Wednesday format of tutorials beginning Monday morning, a Newcomers Lunch, and then General Sessions beginning in the early afternoon. The program will conclude with the Peering Track and then a social on Wednesday night.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in The Big Easy!
Regards, -Dave Temkin Chair, NANOG Program Committee
-- Phil Fagan Denver, CO 970-480-7618