29 Jun
29 Jun
5:19 p.m.
On 6/29/05, Petri Helenius <pete@he.iki.fi> wrote:
Maybe the small fact that ATM is fading away and building new networks with technology going away is going to explode your operational cost in a few years time. Business grade IP networks will provide you with equal if not better performance than a "dedicated" ATM WAN.
And being replaced with .... ? GigE? DPT/RPR? MPLS? ATM is a great technology... Unfortunately, I don't think it was ever fully utilized.. From what I understand, MPLS takes some of the good bits and combines it with traditional routing.. But I don't see a lot of MPLS implementations either...
-- Jason 'XenoPhage' Frisvold XenoPhage0@gmail.com