On Saturday, February 22, 1997 9:24 AM, Kim Culhan[SMTP:kimc@w8hd.org] wrote: @ <snip> @ Jim, please explain your NSF-paid ideal. @ I assume you mean this "NSF-paid" ideal...? If you want to assemble a real "Blue Ribbon Panel" that represents the real Internet society, I suggest that you start with some or all of the people below. These are the people who control the popular Root Name Servers and are the people mandated by the people to "do the right thing". They are also some of the people supported by U.S. taxpayers dollars to make sure that federal government resources such as the Root Name Servers are used properly according to the laws in the United States. We are rapidly approaching March 1, 1997. There will be one year left on the InterNIC agreements developed by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Everyone needs to work together to make sure that those agreements remain stable for one more year and that plans are made to ensure that any transitions are smooth and do not impact the stability of the Internet. The current ARIN attempts to fragment the InterNIC are not in the best interest of the Internet. Instead, the InterNIC should be kept in tact and used as an educational model to help create additional "NICs" across the United States to spread the wealth and jobs around and to ensure better stability via distributed management. I have suggested that the NSF use the $12.6 million to help launch 49 additional NICs, one in each state except for Virginia. By March of 1998, hopefully enough NICs will be operational to allow the current InterNIC as we know it to take its place with the others as a state NIC controlled by the people of Virginia. Many people have worked hard over the past couple of years to demonstrate that cooperating and competing regional NICs can coexist. The technology is well understood and with the stewardship of some or all of the people below, I am confident that the original NSF plan to expand the NICs can be accomplished by the time the NSF agreements with AT&T and Network Solutions, Inc. end. In order to get the regional NICs up to speed, I suggest that states follow the NSF InterNIC model and "ousource" the work to regional companies that have demonstrated their expertise in not only Internet technology but also the emerging registry industry. I suggest that these companies work with their state governments to gain support to work with the elected officials below to get things moving. There is only one year left. Time is getting short. Rather than have anyone rush into dismantling the InterNIC why not join together to clone the InterNIC, not once, but at least 49 times to help the Internet grow. Once this is demonstrated, then obviously the lessons learned will help fuel international growth. No one will be left out. If other countries want to join in this effort, I suggest that they follow a similar plan. Think global but start local. It is the only way that you will make any real progress. I am sure that many people in the U.S. will be glad to lend a hand to get things moving. Hopefully, there will be many examples and more educational programs developed as these efforts unfold. There is no reason why anyone should be left out but there is also no reason why people should hold back waiting for people to catch up. With the clock ticking and $12.6 million in the bank, it is time to duplicate the prototype in Virginia in every state and each country. It is not time to dismantle the prototype. If that occurs then much of the knowledge will be lost and the money the U.S. taxpayers spent to build the InterNIC will be wasted. Again, the following people have the mandate of the people to make sure that money and the efforts are not wasted. They work daily to maximize the return on the taxpayer's investment. Let them know that you want to work with them to make sure you also benefit from those efforts in your states and countries. Thank you for your time... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore http://www.whitehouse.gov National Science Board (NSB) http://www.nsf.gov/nsb/nsb.htm The NSB has dual responsibilities as: . National science policy advisor to the President and the Congress . Governing body for the National Science Foundation Chairman NSB - Dr. Richard N. Zare, Stanford University rnz@chemistry.stanford.edu http://www-leland.stanford.edu/group/Zarelab/ Office of Inspector General of the NSF (also links to Congress) http://www.nsf.gov/oig/oig.htm Inspector General - Linda G. Sundro - lsundro@nsf.gov Investigator - Clara Kuehn - ckuehn@nsf.gov National Science Foundation Neal Lane - nlane@nsf.gov <http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/forum/lane/quscipol.htm> Juris Hartmanis - jhartman@nsf.gov <http://www.cise.nsf.gov/oad/jhartman.html> George Strawn - gstrawn@nsf.gov <http://www.cise.nsf.gov/ncri/Georgehome.html> Don Mitchell - dmitchel@nsf.gov <http://www.cise.nsf.gov/ncri/Donhome.html> ===== @@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/mission.html "The FNC supports the goals of the CIC, particularly those related to building the national information infrastructure (NII). It also seeks to address Federal technology transition goals and allow the operational experiences of FNC agencies to influence future Federal research agendas. It also contributes funds to important Internet infrastructure organizations, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA), and the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)." @@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/FNC_Members.html Federal Networking Council George Strawn - Chairman GSTRAWN@NSF.GOV Walter Wiebe - Executive Director WWIEBE@NSF.GOV Bruce Almich ALMICH.BRUCE@EPAMAIL.EPA.GOV Bruce Bottomley BBB@ROMULUS.NCSC.MIL Dick desJardins DESJARDI@EOS.NASA.GOV Frank Hartel HARTEL@BOX-H.NIH.GOV Craig Hunt CHUNT@NIST.GOV Pamela G. Kruzic PJK@NRC.GOV Henry Lai HENRY.LAI@GSA.GOV Fred Lee FLEE@NSF.GOV Fred Long FLONG@SUN1.WWB.NOAA.GOV Hilarie Orman HORMAN@DARPA.MIL Camillo J. Pasquariello PASQUARC@NCR.DISA.MIL Alexis Poliakoff ALEX_POLIAKOFF@ED.GOV Ken Roko KROKO@USAID.GOV Elaine Stout ESTOUT@USGS.GOV @@@@@ http://www.fnc.gov/FNCAC.html The Federal Networking Council Advisory Committee (FNCAC) is chartered by the National Science Foundation to provide the FNC with technical, tactical, and strategic advice from the constituencies involved in the NREN Program..." FNCAC Members Dr. Sidney Karin KARIN@SDSC.EDU Dr. George Brandenburg BRANDENBURG@HUHEPL.HARVARD.EDU Dr. Henriette Avram AVRAM@IVORY.EDUCOM.EDU Mr. Jim Beall, Jr. BEALL@VNET.IBM.COM Mr. Alan Blatecky ALANB@MCNC.ORG Mr. Matt Blaze MAB@RESEARCH.ATT.COM Ms. Susan Estrada SESTRADA@ALDEA.COM Dr. Kenneth S. Flamm FLAMM@BROOK.EDU Dr. John Gage JOHN.GAGE@ENG.SUN.COM Ms. Carol Henderson CCH@ALAWASH.ORG Dr. Kenneth J. Klingenstein KJK@SPOT.COLORADO.EDU Mr. Richard Liebhaber 2714743@MCIMAIL.COM Mr. Stu Loken SCLOKEN@LBL.GOV Dr. Paul Mockapetris PVM@SOFTWARE.COM Mr. Robert G. Moskowitz RGM3@IS.CHRYSLER.COM Dr. Ike Nassi NASSI@SCRUZNET.COM Mr. Carl Edward Oliver OLIVERCE@ORNL.GOV Dr. Stewart Personick SDP@BELLCORE.COM Mr. Thomas C. Rindfleisch THOMAS_RINDFLEISCH@MEDMAIL.STANFORD.EDU. Mr. Mike Roberts ROBERTS@EDUCOM.EDU Ms. Connie D. Stout CSTOUT@TENET.EDU Brigadier General Harold Thompson THOMPSON@ICN.STATE.IA.US Dr. Stephen Wolff SWOLFF@CISCO.COM @@@@@ U.S. Senate e-mail addresses Alabama - Shelby, Richard C. (R) - senator@shelby.senate.gov Alaska - Stevens, Ted (R) - senator_stevens@stevens.senate.gov Arizona - Kyl, Jon (R) - info@kyl.senate.gov Arizona - McCain, John (R) - senator_mccain@mccain.senate.gov Arkansas - Bumpers, Dale (D) - senator@bumpers.senate.gov Arkansas - Hutchinson, Tim (D) - senator.hutchinson@hutchinson.senate.gov California - Boxer, Barbara (D) - senator@boxer.senate.gov California - Feinstein, Dianne (D) - senator@feinstein.senate.gov Connecticut - Dodd, Christopher J. (D) - sen_dodd@dodd.senate.gov Connecticut - Lieberman, Joseph I. (D) - senator_lieberman@lieberman.senate.gov Delaware - Biden, Joseph R., Jr. (D) - senator@biden.senate.gov Florida - Graham, Bob (D) - bob_graham@graham.senate.gov Georgia - Coverdell, Paul (R) - senator_coverdell@coverdell.senate.gov Hawaii - Inouye, Daniel K. (D) - senator@inouye.senate.gov Idaho - Craig, Larry E. (R) - larry_craig@craig.senate.gov Idaho - Kempthorne, Dirk (R) - dirk_kempthorne@kempthorne.senate.gov Illinois - Moseley-Braun, Carol (D) - senator@moseley-braun.senate.gov Iowa - Grassley, Chuck (R) - chuck_grassley@grassley.senate.gov Iowa - Harkin, Tom (D) - tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov Kansas - Brownback, Sam (R) - sam_brownback@brownback.senate.gov Kentucky - Ford, Wendell H. (D) - wendell_ford@ford.senate.gov Kentucky - McConnell, Mitch (R) - senator@mcconnell.senate.gov Louisiana - Breaux, John B. (D) - senator@breaux.senate.gov Maine - Collins, Susan (R) - senator@collins.senate.gov Maine - Snowe, Olympia J. (R) - olympia@snowe.senate.gov Maryland - Mikulski, Barbara A. (D) - senator@mikulski.senate.gov Maryland - Sarbanes, Paul S. (D) - senator@sarbanes.senate.gov Massachusetts - Kennedy, Edward M. (D) - senator@kennedy.senate.gov Massachusetts - Kerry, John F. (D) - john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov Michigan - Abraham, Spencer (R) - michigan@abraham.senate.gov Michigan - Levin, Carl (D) senator@levin.senate.gov Minnesota - Grams, Rod (R) - mail_grams@grams.senate.gov Minnesota - Wellstone, Paul D. (D) - senator@wellstone.senate.gov Mississippi - Cochran, Thad (R) - senator@cochran.senate.gov Missouri - Ashcroft, John (R) - john_ashcroft@ashcroft.senate.gov Missouri - Bond, Christopher S. (R) - kit_bond@bond.senate.gov Montana - Baucus, Max (D) - max@baucus.senate.gov Montana - Burns, Conrad R. (R) - conrad_burns@burns.senate.gov Nebraska - Kerrey, J. Robert (D) - bob@kerrey.senate.gov Nevada - Bryan, Richard H. (D) - senator@bryan.senate.gov Nevada - Reid, Harry (D) - senator_reid@reid.senate.gov New Hampshire - Gregg, Judd (R) - mailbox@gregg.senate.gov New Hampshire - Smith, Bob (R) opinion@smith.senate.gov New Jersey - Lautenberg, Frank R. (D) - frank_lautenberg@lautenberg.senate.gov New Mexico - Bingaman, Jeff (D) - senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov New Mexico - Domenici, Pete V. (R) - senator_domenici@domenici.senate.gov New York - D'Amato, Alfonse M. (R) - senator_al@damato.senate.gov New York - Moynihan, Daniel Patrick (D) - senator@dpm.senate.gov North Carolina - Faircloth, Lauch (R) - senator@faircloth.senate.gov North Carolina - Helms, Jesse (R) - jesse_helms@helms.senate.gov North Dakota - Dorgan, Byron L. (D) - senator@dorgan.senate.gov Ohio - DeWine, Mike (R) - senator_dewine@dewine.senate.gov Oklahoma - Nickles, Don (R) - senator@nickles.senate.gov Oregon - Wyden, Ron (D) - senator@wyden.senate.gov Pennsylvania - Santorum, Rick (R) - senator@santorum.senate.gov Pennsylvania - Specter, Arlen (R) - senator_specter@specter.senate.gov Rhode Island - Chafee, John H. (R) - senator_chafee@chafee.senate.gov South Carolina - Hollings, Ernest F. (D) - senator@hollings.senate.gov South Carolina - Thurmond, Strom (R) - senator@thurmond.senate.gov South Dakota - Daschle, Thomas A. (D) - tom_daschle@daschle.senate.gov Tennessee - Frist, William H. (R) - senator_frist@frist.senate.gov Tennessee - Thompson, Fred (R) - senator_thompson@thompson.senate.gov Texas - Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R) - senator@hutchison.senate.gov Utah - Bennett, Robert F. (R) - senator@bennett.senate.gov Utah - Hatch, Orrin G. (R) - senator_hatch@hatch.senate.gov Vermont - Jeffords, James M. (R) - vermont@jeffords.senate.gov Vermont - Leahy, Patrick J. (D) - senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov Virginia - Robb, Charles S. (D) senator@robb.senate.gov Virginia - Warner, John W. (R) - senator@warner.senate.gov Washington - Gorton, Slade (R) - senator_gorton@gorton.senate.gov Washington - Murray, Patty (D) - senator_murray@murray.senate.gov West Virginia - Byrd, Robert C. (D) - senator_byrd@byrd.senate.gov West Virginia - Rockefeller, John D., IV (D) - senator@rockefeller.senate.gov Wisconsin - Feingold, Russell D. (D) - senator@feingold.senate.gov Wisconsin - Kohl, Herb (D) - nator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov Wyoming - Enzi, Mike (R) - senator@enzi.senate.gov Wyoming - Thomas, Craig (R) - craig@thomas.senate.gov @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ U.S. GOVERNMENT (NSF, etc.) Contact: Dr. George Strawn Division Director Division of Networking and Communication Research and Infrastructure National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 1175 Arlington, VA 22230 Phone: (703) 306-1950 Fax: (703) 306-0621 Email: gstrawn@nsf.gov http://www.cise.nsf.gov/ncri/Georgehome.html NS.INTERNIC.NET Network Solutions, Inc. (NS45-HST) AOS.ARL.ARMY.MIL Army Research Laboratory (BRL-AOS) NS.NASA.GOV Moffett Field (NS-NASA) NS.NIC.DDN.MIL GSI (DIIS-NS) STATE UNIVERSITIES NS1.ISI.EDU University of Southern California (ISI2) Contact: Dr. Stephen B. Sample President ADM 110 University of Southern California University Park, mc-0012 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0012 (213) 740-2111 http://www.usc.edu/cgi-bin/uscinfo/directory-2?STAF+6630 http://www.usc.edu/People/snailmail.html TERP.UMD.EDU University of Maryland (UMD-TERP) Contact: Dr. William E. Kirwan President, University of Maryland at College Park <http://www.inform.umd.edu:8080/CampusInfo/Departments/PRES/> <http://inform.umd.edu/kirwan-biography.html> Legal Affairs Dr. J. Terrance Roach <mailto: troach@deans.umd.edu> U.S. PRIVATE INDUSTRY & INDIVIDUALS C.PSI.NET Performance Systems International Inc. (C-NYSER) Contact: PSINet, Inc (PSI-NET-DOM) 510 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon, VA 22070 USA NS.ISC.ORG Internet Software Consortium (ISC) Contact: Internet Software Consortium (ISC2-DOM) c/o UUNET Communications Services 3110 Fairview Park Drive Suite 570 Falls Church, VA 22042 Domain Name: ISC.ORG SWEDEN Contact: (See below) NIC.NORDU.NET [No name] (NORDU) @@@@@@ SERVER NS.ISC.ORG Internet Software Consortium (ISC) Hostname: F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: DEC ALPHA running BIND 4.9.5 Host Administrator: Vixie, Paul (PV15) paul@VIX.COM +1 415 747 0204 Domain Server Record last updated on 09-Oct-96. ------- SERVER NS.INTERNIC.NET Network Solutions, Inc. (NS45-HST) 505 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon, VA 22070 Hostname: A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN running SUNOS Host Administrator: Kosters, Mark A. (MAK21) markk@NETSOL.COM (703) 742-4795 (FAX) (703) 742-4811 Record last updated on 31-Aug-95. ------- SERVER NS1.ISI.EDU University of Southern California (ISI2) Information Sciences Institute 4676 Admiralty Way Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Hostname: B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: ? running ? Host Administrator: Koda, Jim (JK7) koda@ISI.EDU 310) 822-1511 Record last updated on 12-Aug-95. ------- SERVER TERP.UMD.EDU University of Maryland (UMD-TERP) Computer Science Center College Park, MD 20742 Hostname: D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: MICROVAX-II running UNIX Coordinator: Sneeringer, Gerry (GS307) sneeri@NI.UMD.EDU (301) 405-2996 domain server Record last updated on 12-Aug-95. ------- SERVER AOS.ARL.ARMY.MIL Army Research Laboratory (BRL-AOS) Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 Hostname: H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN running UNIX Host Administrator: Fielding, James L. (JLF) jamesf@ARL.MIL (410)278-8929 (DSN) 298-8929 (410)278-6664 (FAX) (410)278-5077 domain server Record last updated on 17-Aug-95. ------- SERVER C.PSI.NET Performance Systems International Inc. (C-NYSER) Hostname: C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN running UNIX Coordinator: Administration, PSINet Domain (PDA4) psinet-domain-admin@PSI.COM (703) 904-4100 domain server Record last updated on 17-Apr-96. ------- SERVER NIC.NORDU.NET [No name] (NORDU) Hostname: I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN-4/60 running UNIX Coordinator: Rendahl, Matti [President] (MR164) matti@COMEDIA.SE +46 8 612 49 26 +46 70 533 13 56 (FAX) +46 8 612 49 36 Record last updated on 24-Aug-95. ------- SERVER NS.NASA.GOV Moffett Field (NS-NASA) NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 233-8 Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 USA Hostname: E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN running SUNOS Host Administrator, Coordinator: Schlapfer, Marcel (MS4039) marcel@NSIPO.NASA.GOV 1-415-604-0955 (FAX) 1-415-604-0036 domain server Record last updated on 25-Oct-96. ------- SERVER NS.NIC.DDN.MIL GSI (DIIS-NS) Suite 200 14200 Park Meadow Dr. Chantilly, VA 22021 Hostname: G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET Address: System: SUN running UNIX Coordinator: McCollum, Robert W. (RM584) bobm@NIC.DDN.MIL (703) 802-8476 (FAX) (703) 802-8376 Root Domain Server Record last updated on 18-Aug-95. ------- -- Jim Fleming Unir Corporation e-mail: JimFleming@unety.net JimFleming@unety.s0.g0 (EDNS/IPv8)