Karl Denninger writes:
On Fri, Mar 21, 1997 at 12:07:54PM -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Karl Denninger writes:
No it doesn't.
If you register with someone, pay them, and they claim never to have received payment you're just as screwed.
No, you aren't. Today, if someone does that, you are stuck.
Boiled down: You pay again.
In the new model, you will be able to switch to another registrar. Competition, you know.
Boiled down: You pay again.
What was that difference again?
I know you're good at trying to avoid facts, but this is rediculous!
Cute, but we both know that you are avoiding the point. Here's the point, in three sentences: a. There is very little than can be done about companies providing substandard service, or even screwing you over, when they have a monopolistic stranglehold on you. b. In your "eDNS" model, registrars have this stranglehold on you, because you you cannot switch to the services of a newer (better) registrar without having to also change domain names. c. With the IAHC plan, if a registrar is providing unsatisfactory service, you can switch registrars, while keeping the same domain name. -SteveK -- Steve Kann i/o 360 digital design 841 Broadway, Suite 502 PGP 1024/C0145E05 F2 D6 24 83 9E 52 9A 61 AA BB 97 61 5C A1 B8 CE Personal:stevek@SteveK.COM Business: stevek@io360.com