### On Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:55:55 -0700, Danny McPherson <danny@genuity.net> ### wrote to "Kevin Oberman" <oberman@es.net> concerning "Re: Problems with ### specific routing policies for each exchange point ": DM> > I was not questioning the function, only the requirement. It seems DM> > that if the problem exist between NAPNET and GENUITY, it might exist DM> > elsewhere and changing to the specific ASes would be a simple fix. DM> > DM> > Are there cases where an AS macro would be really beneficial in the DM> > inet-rtr.rs-(in|out) statements? DM> DM> Well, assuming you use as-macros as they were intended (to simply objects) .. DM> it shouldn't be a problem. The code is obviously broken and Jake is fixing DM> it. I assume that we could create another 2 macros listing every AS DM> individually, but then that'd be more changes that'd we'd have to make every DM> time we pick-up or drop an AS. Well, the code wasn't really broken. It was doing exactly what I wanted it to do. It was my thinking that was broken. I had assumed that no one would ever want to loopback their expansions. DM> I've removed AS-NAPNET from the AS-GENUITY macro until the problem is DM> corrected.. The code has been fixed (many thanks to the author of rtpp, Tom Spindler, for implimenting the changes). You can re-insert the macro. -- /*===================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@Merit.Net> ]======================+ | Systems Research Programmer, IE Group /| /|[~|)|~|~ N E T W O R K | | VOX: (313) 763-4907 FAX: (313) 747-3185 / |/ |[_|\| | Incorporated | +==[ Suite C2122, Bldg. 1 4251 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 ]==*/