On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 14:55:51 BST, Alex Bligh said:
One such technology possibly ripe for perversion is DNS. Another is mobile IP. Sure, these may not be great for the application right now, but they both share a key advantage, which is that the deployer pays (not the rest of the internet). Assuming the a fixed % of users multihome (and it's likely to increase), and assuming a fixed cost per prefix supported (OK, so that's likely to decrease), the costs are O(n) rather than O(n^2).
Do you *really* want your DNS TTL set down in the same range as the time for a BGP route fall-over? We usually run with hign TTLs, and drop them down before impending changes. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do that 24 hours before the backhoe gets there... Also, if you run BigSite.com and drop your DNS TTL, I *do* pay, because now my DNS server has to hit the network for a look-up for your site - you just added several packets to the transaction. Given that we have an on-site Akamai node, for some sites, the DNS lookup could be 10% of the total traffic on our outbound pipe for each page hit....