On 9/2/23 17:38, Masataka Ohta wrote:
Wrong. It can be performed only at the edges by policing total incoming traffic without detecting flows.
I am not talking about policing in the core, I am talking about detection in the core. Policing at the edge is pretty standard. You can police a 50Gbps EoMPLS flow coming in from a customer port in the edge. If you've got N x 10Gbps links in the core and the core is unable to detect that flow in depth to hash it across all those 10Gbps links, you can end up putting all or a good chunk of that 50Gbps of EoMPLS traffic into a single 10Gbps link in the core, despite all other 10Gbps links having ample capacity available.
There is no such algorithms because, as I wrote:
: 100 50Mbps flows are as harmful as 1 5Gbps flow.
Do you operate a large scale IP/MPLS network? Because I do, and I know what I see with the equipment we deploy. You are welcome to deny it all you want, however. Not much I can do about that. Mark.