I know what you mean, Greg. A friend of mine tried to regester a domain. He filled out the forms, mailed them in, kept the reply. What he didn't notice that even though the domain name was correct in the body of the message, the SUBJECT line of the reply from Network Solutions had the domain name misspelled. They'd dropped a letter. The registration seemed to go through just fine, but after the burp two days ago the domain now shows up with the misspelling! Not only won't Network Solutions fix the problem, they will gladly accept his registering the *correct* domain, but will not refund the payment he made back when the first domain was correctly spelled. Of course, he's got to pay AGAIN if he wants to register the correctly spelled domain, again. So told by an aledged "manager", who said the next in the chain of command would be a VP, and Bobby-Ray was in a meeting and couldn't be disturbed. Curt-