To add to the eternally annoying list of companies that ignore abuse@ mail... ebay now requires that you fill in their lovely little web form to send them a note. Even if, say, you're trying to let them know about another scam going around that tries to use the machine www.hnstech.co.kr to extract people's credit card information. Has anyone had success in convincing companies that this is just A Bad Idea (ignoring abuse mail), and if so, how did you manage to do it? Sorry for the slightly non-operational content, but I've had it with ebay on this one. -Dave ----- Forwarded message from eBay Safe Harbor <SafeHarbor@eBay.com> ----- Date: Sat, 02 Aug 2003 22:58:01 -0700 From: eBay Safe Harbor <SafeHarbor@eBay.com> Subject: Your message to safeharbor@ebay.com was not received (KMM86277800V90276L0KM) To: "David G. Andersen" <dga@lcs.mit.edu> Auto-Submitted: auto-replied Reply-To: eBay Safe Harbor <SafeHarbor@eBay.com> X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by eep.lcs.mit.edu id h735w5sU087612 Thank you for writing to the eBay SafeHarbor Team. The address you wrote to (safeharbor@ebay.com) is no longer in service. Please resend your email to us through one of the online webforms listed below. Using these forms will help us direct your email to the right department where we can quickly answer your question correctly and get it right back to you. For Trust and Safety issues (reports of policy violations, problems with transactions, suspensions, etc.) please use the following webform: http://pages.ebay.com/help/basics/select-RS.html For General Support questions (billing, bidding, or selling concerns and technical issues, etc.) please use the following webform: http://pages.ebay.com/help/basics/select-support.html Once on the webform, what will really help us assist you further is if you choose the best topic for your question. This will allow you to view our Instant Help pages, where you may find your answer immediately. Should you not find your answer there, choosing the best topics will still help us answer your question faster, correctly, and completely. We truly appreciate your assistance in this matter and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Sincerely, eBay SafeHarbor Team ----- End forwarded message ----- -- work: dga@lcs.mit.edu me: dga@pobox.com MIT Laboratory for Computer Science http://www.angio.net/ I do not accept unsolicited commercial email. Do not spam me.