If you want to follow just one rule, it's this:- Instruct your users to never (I mean NEVER) use applications which run over unencrypted protocols. Security first. Abraços, Marlon Borba, CISSP, APC DataCenter Associate Técnico Judiciário - Segurança da Informação TRF 3 Região (11) 3012-1683 -- Dont just sit there and think it does not matter. -Security is the problem we love to ignore. (David Clark, 1992) --
Deepak Jain <deepak@ai.net> 27/4/2007 17:58:28 >>>
Anyone have any recommendations for BCPs or software suggestions on running an open community-based access point (or network)? Think: an urban area where potentially lots of people could be popping on and off with little authentication. These seem to be pretty prevalent around Panera's and other things -- I just don't know what they are doing to manage (rather that prevent) P2P and Spam, etc uses. Pointers very appreciated!! Thanks, DJ