On Apr 8, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Deepak Jain wrote:
There is no reason to assume these are civilian satellites. Any one of a number of affected or interested countries could have provided the imagery (or ship information) to Reliance. Its not saying *who* analyzed the images. ;)
Then again, how are ship's captains supposed to know *where* they are allowed to drop anchor? Is there a "Call before you drop" anchor service similar to "call before you dig?"
That's what maritime pilots are for (every commercial harbor has them) and my understanding is that they are generally required by law and that there can be criminal penalties for not following their advice. Regards Marshall
Sean Donelan wrote:
Wow, civilian satellite images are getting very sharp. http://www.hindu.com/2008/04/07/stories/2008040759181200.htm Using satellite images of ship movements in the area, Reliance Globalcom identified two ships in the area at the time which may have damaged the cable. Reliance also confirmed the cable was damaged because of "jerks and force of the ship."